Bali offers TAX-FREE status to anyone who moves there to permanently 'work from home'

Its not that bad when you have money and love to bribe the police lol. You can get quite nice places for cheap money but like mentioned already infrastructure is a total disaster (like roads are as bumpy as in Kabul, people driving like maniacs, tap water is not drinkable, sometimes electricity is gone and no one knows why and for how long etc). and its full of australians and influencers. Its a nice place for a vacation but living there if you come from a "developed" country is quite a struggle lol
Reactions: bonox
I love bribing police and driving like a maniac. The other things are manageable, except the influencers and Australians. So it seems it’s a NO
Reactions: Scorpy
Full of Australians, that really made laugh as I am Australian! But you are right.
Specifically. the worst kind of Australians - young kids fresh out of school or sportsmen on summer break that want to drink, take drugs and aren't shy about advertising the fact.
I lived their for 6 months nearly a decade ago and this is my two cents

People are mostly nice especially the middle class
Food is cheap and pretty good, including what you can get in the supermarket. Local food like baby roast pig is to die for. Good beer
Beaches are fantastic
Woman are lovely
Cost of living can be whatever you want it to be

Too many scammers and con artists - on par with Philippines
Alcohol in bars is often fake and toxic
Traffic is a nightmare
Suburbs are noisy with every cart and local seller having a different bell or noise to signal their arrival
Corruption is an issue with police and officials - this can go both ways as 'fixers' can often solve problems with visa's, fines, etc.

I doubt much has changed since - perhaps Australians are getting worst?
Anyone with experience of living in Bali can tell how life is there?

I see nice villas for sale at cheap prices (compared to other parts of the world) so I am intrigued.

Good for like two months maybe.

Infrastructure sucks, it's super humid, getting things shipped is complicated... Also keep in mind the constant construction noise.

Beaches are nice tho, and COL is low.
That make it impossible to live there if you run an online business. At least, if you have to be in touch with your audience every day.
Reactions: troubled soul
Indonesia is a very challenging environment for foreigners if you value stability and accountability for stuff like business and visa.

However Bali is a nice place to live if you are used to developing countries and enjoy nature and beaches. The worries about alcohol and general safety are overblown, whatever happened was decades ago and security regime is now very good and reliable in Bali. You will have a nicer lifestyle there than in PH or MY at a lower cost, but Thailand is definitely more developed for long stay as foreigner.
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