Are we completely deluded in thinking this could work ?

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I gave an example that a contract can be made for 2 million.The amount will depend on OPs expected profits so as to nullify them.
A mix and match between 15% IT and 85% Management Consulting contract will legitimize it easily.
As I told you, it will be difficult and it fore sure the first thing the tax audit guys look at. You can expect them to even request those invoice on a regular base, i.e. outside an audit.
As I told you, it will be difficult and it fore sure the first thing the tax audit guys look at. You can expect them to even request those invoice on a regular base, i.e. outside an audit.
Well several companies are there that provide a master fee agreement,monthly invoicing and crypto back passing for a percentage.They even setup monthly mail trails for any audit possibility.
Well several companies are there that provide a master fee agreement,monthly invoicing and crypto back passing for a percentage.They even setup monthly mail trails for any audit possibility.
Yes. Then just try then. Don't come back to me when you have the tax audits in your home. Of course those companies exist and there certainly are case where it works. I just warned you of what will most likely happen in London too. And remember that it is completely illegal, if they ever get the company documents of your service provider, they know exactly which companies to check in better detail.
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Why dont you let a company invoice you and pay you back as a percentage in crypto right into your cold wallet or hardware wallet pretty simple solution really.

Illegality of this aside (terrible idea, unless you want to go to jail), there are even multiple practical issues:

1. What will the other company do with the profits? They will have to pay tax on it. Or if they are based in a tax haven - of course, suddenly paying 80% of your profit to a tax haven company surely won't arise suspicion.

2. How will you make sure the other party won't start blackmailing you?

3. How will you cash out the crypto?

It's just a terrible idea. Just pay for proper advice and do it legally.
Reactions: RAGAV and daniels27
Point 1 obviously a tax haven company,no need for 80% but a decent percentage can go .Also there are multiple legit companies from the offshore parts that provide management consulting and IT consulting services which do normal business- as per your logic no offshore company can provide Consulting services?

Point 2 :When there are Master fee agreements in place how they can blackmail the OP.They themselves will be in trouble.

Point 3 : Cash out via P2P.
Maybe, just forget about the utter nullshit. Trust me, HMRC has been there many times.

If you have receipts for IT from Marshall Islands, HMRC will of course start investigating. There simple aren't that many IT guys there.

Point 2 :When there are Master fee agreements in place how they can blackmail the OP.They themselves will be in trouble.
If the guys get hacked (Remember Mossack Fonseca) or otherwise leak the data, you can already prepare for the audit. Good luck then.

Point 3 : Cash out via P2P.
1 Mio? And then bring it back in a golden suitcase full of cash?

As I told, you this works for some amounts and if you know the guy very well. But in all other cases, please abstain from it. Tax guys regularly reclassify IT expenses as investment to be written off over years to come.
Reactions: 0xDEADBEEF
If the guys get hacked (Remember Mossack Fonseca) or otherwise leak the data, you can already prepare for the audit. Good luck then.

What would they put into the contract? "You will pay us $500k for consulting services and we will then send $450k of Monero to your secret wallet".
Then one day they just keep all the money and don't send you the crypto. Or they demand a $2M payment or they will tip off the police anonymously.
Then what? You'll show the cops the contract that it was all a sham? Lol.
Reactions: daniels27
Since this ballyhoo is getting out of hand i will not add much apart from the fact Certain jurisdictions are not puppets of the EU .I said IT and Management Consulting with 85% towards Management Consulting.
There can be several heads like trainings
Online Study materials
Business case development under management Consulting etc.
And everything is made with agreements.However it is for you guys to deliberate on.I am speaking from a practical standpoint what i have seen.Maybe others have their own ideas.Whichever the OP feels comfortable with .Changing everything takes time and a transition this big will take time and during the transition these methods will surely help the OP.
Yes, and then you blow out all the profit with such services that you buy from 0% tax countries? How will this ever be believed?

If OP wants to save taxes, he should leave UK. That simple. He can go to Barbados, BVI, etc., manage his company from there and keep the warehouse staff in UK. Thanks to the DTA, he won't have to pay taxes in the UK anymore. All his other staff will certainly come with him and enjoy the beach life or they will be fired and replaced by more beacht characters from LSE or fiverr. It all is just a question of willingness. And if he does personal installations in the UK, well then that's exactly whe you do pay taxes there.
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Why all the profit needs to be blown with this.A part of it can be blown while he switches to the other options that you are telling him to or even more options that we have not discussed yet.I have provided a quick fix solution till OP can jump ship.Suck out the profit for this year close the company and then jump to some other jurisdictions
Reactions: JohnLocke
You are not a tax resident in the UK, correct? If true, a Madeira IBIC can be a good option, with 5% CIT and no dividend tax for non-PT tax residents. As you are interested in purchasing real estate in PT, it may be a good option.
Also 100% EU compliant (Madeira is PT = EU).
It's not evasion if you can build a legitimate case.
The problem is that he can either build a legitimate case or not. To build a legitimate case, he would have to move staff overseas, in which case he could also move the management overseas and the company with it (close down slowly while ramping up overseas).

I cannot judge personally. But from my experience, there are only two sort of business which you cannot move:
  • Manual work (construction companies, personal services on properties and body)
  • Companies relying on access to talent
In all other cases, he can move. It is only a matter of will. PM me for help.
how would that be possible easily ?
I am suggesting that there are businesses who will create an IT consulting and Management consulting contract with your business take away the extra profits to the extent feasible and pay you back in crypto lets say charging between 10-15% roughly.If you blow a certain good percentage of profits your taxable income from the business nullifies or becomes low.If done in reasonable amounts its fine.What are the amounts that you are looking for to blow from your bottomline?
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I know someone that can offer this service
I know someone that can offer this service
Ya you can try working with Fortune Speculator they do all this stuff.I needed help to blow some off my couple of clients profits on two separate occasions and they came good.They are very thorough with documentation they even created nice project proposals for non existent projects.Gave monthly reports on statuses with Gantt Charts .Kept meetings in calendar for status calls. .Tax Audit go fish.
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