'i lavoratori non sono stati residenti in Italia nei due periodi d'imposta precedenti il predetto trasferimento e si impegnano a risiedere in Italia per almeno due anni'Can you show me where this is stated? I have not seen this and I have read quite a bit about it.
The worker was not resident in Italy in the previous two fiscal years and undertakes to remain in Italy for at least two years, from the link I quoted in my first post.
No, you can't do this. Market rates are set for salaries so you can't just pluck a figure out of the air. Individuals with SRLs get taxed over 60% and you won't have to look far to find people who got harassed by the tax authorities. Quora is a good place for example.You can create a private limited company and pay yourself 100% of the profit as a salary. Then you pay no corporate tax and only the reduced income taxes plus social contribution tax (I have to check how much this would be, could be still too much).
The social contribution tax for employers is massive.
Italy is a good set up if you can contrive to just work via a partita IVA for the years you stay there. I.e. mainly sell your time for money, possibly some ebooks and anything not needing limited liability. As soon as you're trading or doing more ambitious company stuff, expect fiscal colonscopy.