Any country not demanding their citizens to vaccinate ?

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germany command center of eu haha good one
who said germany is going to bleed because of its citizens will ?
Peace & harmony
I guess thats why major industry is moving out of germany massivly.they forsee peace and harmony

You know what the sad thing is.People don't even realise that they are the target.
Germany and UK will be the worst places in Europe.
Reactions: daxbr
Add France, Belgium, Netherlands and Sweden to your list. Basically the entire part of Western Europe…
Reactions: daxbr
Why do you think UK will be the worst?

And which will be the best?
Add France, Belgium, Netherlands and Sweden to your list. Basically the entire part of Western Europe…
Agree on France ,Belgium.
Don't agree on Netherland and Sweden.
Netherland will be the best country coming out of the crisis.
When checking why netherland i guess because its a logistic center and guarantee should something not work out as it should be.
You could see already last year when there were hard lockdowns ,netherland was the gate out of europe without restrictions on traveling

Why do you think UK will be the worst?

And which will be the best?
UK will be the worst place in europe
netherland the best one including some eastern european countries but do you want to be in eastern europe if they leave the EU and create their own block of 3 sea initiative?

Why UK ?
Personly i found 4 reasons where one might sound crazy for you if you don't see the agenda behind it.

1.Deep democratic country which needs to be transformed
2.Good citizens wealth needs to be massivly reduced to receive the worlds average
3.GBP's value needs to be reduced massivly to other major currencies
4.UK gets an Isle with first class passport (blue ones) making it possible to travel outside of restrictions (EU) (UK,San Marino,Liechtenstein,Swiss)
You see something in common to the rest countries having a blue passport in europe ?They have a very low amount of citizen.
So these are the places for the european elite if they wish to stay in europe.
What have these passports in common to the other passports ?
With these passports you are protected under their local constitution where others didn't provide such protection anymore.
Started 1934 in Deutsche Reich under Hitler and the rest of EU countries changed it somewhere between 2005-2011.

Also please be aware there is a reason why UK ,France and Germany are being flooded with very conservative muslims.
Nothing happens without a reason but i guess thats not a topic for this forum

P.S Did you noticed that the passports from the UK changed from red to blue when leaving the EU ?Colours of passports have a meaning.
Reactions: Silvio
Name one revolution that has actually worked out to the benefit of the people of a nation as individuals in the long term........there's. no point, if anything it creates subtle steps backwards into the darkness, and always ends in more control over the people not less.

I don't think these Paranoid thoughts really have any value, the world will change, and if a few EU states plus the "Island" have to become Islamic Republics in the process, then so be it. You're clutching at straws and drawing no real conclusions. Most immigrants 60:40 actually vote to the right of politics, in some self protectionist "I made it" but " You can't" formula...probably top of the Dunning-Krugar Premier League of mental misinformation followed by the masses. I like to think we are all in the same boat: HMS Planet Earth and we need to make that LEAP from Cabbage-patch protectionism to Global Integration, this is essentially what's causing all the HEAT literally. But hey and ho, too many Humans scared of their own shadows.
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You don't see what is coming thats why you can't realise that it may happen.
Just keep looking at Erdogan and turkey and what is going to happen because of that in europe
Reactions: letbeoneon
what a brainwashed garbage.............
conservative islamists are going to be used against you.
Just wait a bit till an event happen.Maybe than you will learn what the koran says about you in an event which will accure.
For your information both sides are being used by a small group.
Is there any chance it won't happen.
No.Why?Because majority of people are simple dumb and will harm smart people thinking what they do is the right thing......see covid hope you can imagine what this would mean by the Koran and at which sides western governments would sit.
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Reactions: letbeoneon
So the conservative Islamists are also being used by the Jews?

That's some lvl 9999 reptilian logic right there
So the conservative Islamists are also being used by the Jews?

That's some lvl 9999 reptilian logic right there
The jews are not the problem.They never were.Its about the zionist.

Here a nice vid from 1996 which i saw 2001 from a german who worked at australian secret service.

25 years passed and anythig wrong on his conspiracy claims he mad 25 years ago ?

What is astoning to me.People are unable to see a clear agenda if the timeframe is extended to decades.They are simple unable to see it.

Well if I don't see it, why worry, phew, I was concerned for a moment! And Erdogan is being maintained, as long as he plays the game. Funny I miss Istanbul used to live in Chad
I don't go by prophecies, only by profits. On such items, any event that happens is always "squared" to retroactively fit the text anyway. Sure, the social demographic will change, it actually has to: in places like Germany and Japan, as they will have to import orphanages wholesale in a few years or die out. And I honestly believe that "people" generally become more moderate once they have attained a certain living standard relative to their starting point. But, man-o-man, you're one hell of a mixed-up "kid", must be fun to be around, and if it wasn't for your "369" tag-name, I might dive a little deeper, but N.Telsa...saved you this time. Sure, a certain country in the ME that hates everyone who dares raise their voice against it, has its sticky-fingers in many pies: fruit or cheese and onion, probably both.
I even nowadays don't think it's the "Zs", I even suspect they are the front for something Deeper, they are just the worker bees who show their hand and grab the sound bites. The VID, is OK (needed the Deutsch erfrischung-Danke!) but it does not help anyone, maybe David Ike! And so, 25 years real change, if anything we have more countries now, sure trade blocks, but even that's a form of protectionism, against the Big Boys. Is Covid that smokescreen, don't know, or was it truly a random bio-tech accident that's now being harnessed to achieve some "naughty" things, now that they know how to play around with the proteins after 2 end, no idea, too much worrying, need to get on with life, even if it leads to death, which it will, eventually.

Schipol is a major hub. It was still hard to enter the Netherlands if you weren't simply transiting. Traffic was still way down.

1. What will it be transformed into?

2. What do you mean by reducing wealth? Kill the economy?

4. Passport. So you are saying the UK will be the worst place, but the passport becomes its main asset because it turned blue? How so? What will the advantages be?

What do passport colours mean?
Agree on France ,Belgium.
Don't agree on Netherland and Sweden.
Netherland will be the best country coming out of the crisis.

It’s your wish that NL and Sweden do well? Based on any facts? NL is a ship without a captain having had several racial/political murders. NL might look good on the outside. On the inside it’s not. Sweden is becoming more unstable by the day. Just look at the change in demographics in the last decades..

But hey; it’s all stories, stuff and speculation. Time will tell. Prepare for all timelines.

Spot on. Everything that has been happening in the recent history has been announced multiple times in movies, books, media etc. Our brains don’t compute when seeing it and only in hindsight when it’s pointed out some see the connections. Most people don’t because it goes against everything they believe in and it’s too hard for them to acknowledge that fact which makes them rather stay in a bubble (of lies?).

Ask any psychiatrist about this.
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Just find a reasonable doctor in your country who will sell you the vaccine certificare without really vaccinating you, done .

Altough it might be difficult to find such doctor...?

Also it might get expensive, especially if they will demend "rejab every i dont know 3 months or whatever it is now...?
Reactions: JohnnyDoe
I know a few and they are happy to help everyone!
How sure can we be that this interview is from 1996 ?