Ok, then tell me the truth then, because everything I read contradicts what you says, I mean you have to get the "truth" from somewhere then, right? what are your sources? did you just make this up? or do you just listen to sources that confirm your bias?
Sorry but this is nonsense. the EU in this state because of the "scamdemic" as some people describe it. also as a result of the economic recovery, there is an increase in global energy demand (and that includes the EU) add to that the situation with Russia's where spot gas sales are constrained, and you will see that the whole situation is a massive shitshow, this has nothing to do with the US.
what? did you seriously believe this?
I agree with you, it's just a politics game at this point, and there is no way
Germany won't move forward with the project
You left an important info here. Russia declared it could send more gas anytime to the EU
if nord stream 2 get regulatry approval.
Provide sources for your statements, otherwise, people will not engage in any serious conversation with you. and don't just post unreliable sources from unknown authors just to validate your statements, this is called a confirmation bias, and you know it
Goldman sachs give a warning about all things and everything, so there is no point taking what they say seriously.
Don't take my words as a direct attack to you, this is not the case at all, I read your posts in various threads and you usually wire some thoughtful posts, but this not the case here, your are walking in a fine line between truth and conspiracy theories, and this is a dangerous mindset to have, so make sure you to look for all sources - even the ones that disagree with you - to get your facts right, and be open minded. That's all I have to say to you.