Any country not demanding their citizens to vaccinate ?

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I said it before: Germany is the command centre of the EU.
Their neighbors to the south, that is where everything is orchestrated..

All the U and W organizations are having their HQ there. Many other NGO’s are there as well. BIS and WEF are there (fun fact; WEF cancelled for 2022 due to security threats) and last but not least GAVI is there. A company that has full diplomatic immunity…

Switzerland neutral? No way.
Swiss "neutrality" is a cold war relict and myth.
International organizations have settled in Switzerland because it was accepted by both East and West as a place where diplomatic talks can take place without much fuss. This created the myth of "neutrality". The myth lasts until today, thanks to excellent marketing and the world not knowing any better.

I suggest to read this -> Fichenskandal – Wikipedia and -> Fichenskandal: Mit Eifer nahm der Staat die Ausländer ins Visier (sorry, I only have the original Swiss version at hand - a translation tool might help) which will give some historical insights on how Switzerland functions from a surveillance perspective. Looking at who was under surveillance says it all ... .
Reactions: GPT
thats the exect goal

Germany is nothing more but a logistic center for the US.
Germany has no say on anything.Its a dog of the US which executes everything what the master demands.
dude, ffs stop posting conspiracy nonsense with no facts nor logic behind.

Germany shaked their hands with russia and went ahead with north stream 2 despite Washington opposition to the project, (yeah the project is put on hold for now, but that's because of "paperworks" not that germany have an inherent problem with the project) whether we like to admit that or not, this just shows you that the germans had some balls to face the pressure from Washington and western Europe (you have to give credit with credit is due).

the relationship between the "allies" is not that rosy as you might think, and every country has a different goal that they want to achieve from their partnership, f**k, look at Aukus and see how these allies are ready to give each other the middle finger if opportunity arise ( and we all saw how France was the butt of joke of this alliance).

I'm saying all of this and I'm assuming that you agree with the official sources and news that we get overtime. UNLESS, that you think that all of these governments are puppets and are controlled by the lizard people who input microchips in these leaders and they get controlled by 5g towers or whatever the f**k, then, unfortunately, there will be no point to continue with this argument because everything I will say will be countered with conspiracy nonsense and statements that adhere to emotion instead of logic and actual facts.
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Reactions: Allisgood

Vax havens are the new tax havens.

I was in Russia in the summer and autumn and it was more or less as normal. Chain supermarkets in Moscow might ask you to put a mask on and random employees may ask you to when you checkout, but that was about it. I even went to a police station and it was unmasked.

But that has all changed in October and November. Most subjects (regions) of The Russian Federation have implemented the same system of QR codes to enter places. I don't know how well enforced it is overall, but it's certainly enforced in some. Though there are some where it is not like Chelyabinsk Oblast. There is a federal law to do much the same from February. I would not try going to Russia, as you might find yourself hustling to get into a hotel.

I am currently in Armenia. When I arrived it was practically maskless, including at the airport. But The IMF showed up in September and told the government that it needs to get everyone vaxxed for their economy to recover. But since people in Armenia are living as if nothing had happened, the economy is already back to where it was before the scamdemic. Armenia has a puppet Western Prime Minster so you can expect compliance. On 1 November he introduced mandatory masks outside, but this is broadly not followed. Masking indoors is up dramatically, though it's not really enforced. But if you don't go to supermarkets, life will be as it was before. The vaccinaion rate has more than doubled from 4.5%. I wouldn't be surprised if it was 15% now.

I suspect Armenia will be safe for the next year, especially if you want to go to a town. We'll have to see how well they can implement the scam elsewhere to guess the fate of Armenia.

UAE seems a decent choice, so long as you are not in employment. Other than Abu Dhabi, they don't seem to have any intention to scale up their controls.

In Europe, The UK seems to be holding out fairly well, but I think this is only because globalist puppet Boris Johnson has so ruined his popularity by pushing for all manner of left-wing laws that he's going to have to wait for the next wave to go back into lockdown.

El Salvador, increasingly the beacon of freedom, has opened to travel without a test. Mexico and Dom Republic are also open without a test and I hear they are quite free and easy.

I forgot to add that it seems to be OK in Ukraine for now, at least in the city Kharkov. It seems that they have some controls, but they are not enforced and people are living much as they were before.
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Reactions: polonieth
You have completly no clue what is going on other from what mass media says.
EU is out of gas because of the US.Which means there will be no more gas somewhere arround jan.When this happens production will stop and people will have issues to heat their homes.
If you think north stream 2 was not already a done deal you are totaly wrong.
US goal to create a deficite in EU's gas reserve perfectly worked.
Russia declared it could send more gas anytime to the EU to fill it up.
Did you hear a single word from the EU asking russia to fill up their gas reserves ?
No they are going like dogs into their major problem which is coming.
And stop telling everyone its a conspiracy if you are simple uneducated .
Even Goldman Sachs gave a gas warning out for EU.
But they are surely also consipracy.

Why don't you think so? In ww1 and ww2 no one touched them!!
It depends on how you define neutral
Why don't you think so? In ww1 and ww2 no one touched them!!
Switzerland was a useful tool for all sorts of "business" during that period which was the main reason why it did not get attacked.
Moreover, specifically during WW2 it was a viable transit route for the "Axis Powers" without having to fear any bombardments on their transit trains.
Reactions: GPT
What's the goal of making Europe burn?
Getting people willing to transform into a police state
reduce population
mix races to so there is no unity anymore.
Turn into a centralized communist block
Explain why EU is going to split

Why don't you think so? In ww1 and ww2 no one touched them!!
Because the Elite needed a place where their wealth won't be touched.
Both sides cowork even publicly they act as enemies.
Example Putin.
Putins best friend is the CEO of JPM
Reactions: polonieth
You have completly no clue what is going on other from what mass media says.
Ok, then tell me the truth then, because everything I read contradicts what you says, I mean you have to get the "truth" from somewhere then, right? what are your sources? did you just make this up? or do you just listen to sources that confirm your bias?
EU is out of gas because of the US.
Sorry but this is nonsense. the EU in this state because of the "scamdemic" as some people describe it. also as a result of the economic recovery, there is an increase in global energy demand (and that includes the EU) add to that the situation with Russia's where spot gas sales are constrained, and you will see that the whole situation is a massive shitshow, this has nothing to do with the US.
Which means there will be no more gas somewhere arround jan.When this happens production will stop and people will have issues to heat their homes.
what? did you seriously believe this?
If you think north stream 2 was not already a done deal you are totaly wrong.
I agree with you, it's just a politics game at this point, and there is no way Germany won't move forward with the project
US goal to create a deficite in EU's gas reserve perfectly worked.
Russia declared it could send more gas anytime to the EU to fill it up.
Did you hear a single word from the EU asking russia to fill up their gas reserves ?
No they are going like dogs into their major problem which is coming.
You left an important info here. Russia declared it could send more gas anytime to the EU if nord stream 2 get regulatry approval.
Provide sources for your statements, otherwise, people will not engage in any serious conversation with you. and don't just post unreliable sources from unknown authors just to validate your statements, this is called a confirmation bias, and you know it
Even Goldman Sachs gave a gas warning out for EU.
Goldman sachs give a warning about all things and everything, so there is no point taking what they say seriously.

Don't take my words as a direct attack to you, this is not the case at all, I read your posts in various threads and you usually wire some thoughtful posts, but this not the case here, your are walking in a fine line between truth and conspiracy theories, and this is a dangerous mindset to have, so make sure you to look for all sources - even the ones that disagree with you - to get your facts right, and be open minded. That's all I have to say to you.
1.Sources are real life people in position .I doubt you will find better ones.

2.LOL you live clearly in a dreamworld.EU has only 75% instead of 95%+ gas reserves because US sold their fracking gas which was declared to go to the EU to asia.

3.If goldman sachs and other high ranked sources warn their investors and watching at gas EU reserves stats on bloomberg terminal and that they are 20% less than normaly then yes

4.Its creating a conflict and visual enemy nothing more.US interest is that germany will never unite with russia

5.You think there are offical sources saying we as the US want EU have not enough gas for the winter so major production needs to be massivly reduced ?Seriously ?

6.Wrong,they would send it IF there would be an offical request.Since reduction of production is an US/EU agenda they will never ask for it.

7.I give a f**k if you want to conversate or not.Doesn't effect my life at all if you go down.People who ask for official sources for this kind of information are doomed anyways.

8.Goldman Sachs gave out the warning in September.We have now december and a lack of gas reserves by arround 20% based on previous years.
The diffrence between you and me is that i checked their claim on real data.You post your nonsense based on opinion without any data or facts.
You are like a small uneducated guy who needs to be hold by hand and babysitted to provide all sources unable to make a proper research himself.
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1.Sources are real life people in position .I doubt you will find better ones.
and I got my sources from the CIA!

Come on! how can I take you seriously when I ask you about sources and you reply is "I know some guys" like seriously lol
The diffrence between you and me is that i checked their claim on real data.You post your nonsense based on opinion without any data or facts.
Show me the data then? you just post garbage conspiracy nonsense with nothing to back them up, so how can I agree or even engage in a decent convo with you?

"Bro just believe me bro, I know some guys inside bro, I have the info and the data bro, i'm the real deal bro"
man, what a funny guy, if this was a reliable info, then I can claim that I got info from the CIA as I said earlier lol, do you see now how your arguments makes 0 sense?.
You are like a small uneducated guy who needs to be hold by hand and babysitted to provide all sources unable to make a proper research himself.
Projecting much? Unfortunately you went the ugly road and attacked me instead of refuting my arguments with factual information and reliable sources, this just shows who you are as a person, and unfortunately, you are the worst type, the delusional one, because this just means that logic and facts will no longer work with you, and you will take your info from "people" who only confirm and validate your bias.

and this is a dangerous mindset to have, specially in our world, when you have to have an open mind in order to do business offshore and in foreign countries where you deal with different cultures, different people and different mindsets, So, being closed minded like that is sure way of living a difficult life in this big colorful world.

but you do you man, keep your classified top info a secret or the Puppet masters will come after you
how long would it take to google my claims and find sources yourself ?
Like 3 minutes ?

You are clearly an idiot and this is not a personal attack but stating a fact based on the defenition of the word idiot.

I already gave some hints about sources but you demand babysitting.

Like i posted before i don't care what you belife.You can go down like majority and it won't make a diffrence to me.

I already stopped beliving in majority a decade ago seeing people are to dumb to make even basic research.

And your beloved word conspiracy theorist doesn't even exist.
Its a made up word from the agency which they implemented to dumb peoples brains (like yours) so they have a never ending excuse and pseudo argument without even researching the topic themself.

You already proofed you are not capable of a normal conversation based on facts because you are not even capable of a proper 3 minute research.

Here this simple google search took me 5 sec.
A source from yesterday by bloomberg which idiots like you surly take as a trusted source because they are unable to forsee themself something like this coming.They need "professionals" telling them when there is lack of gas reserve it means there is lack of energy somewhere in the winter and what it will cause.

And about the word idiot its describing someone unable or unwilling to accept or process information holding at his own bs at all cost.
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Gotta love the conspiracy nuts here, every few months a new one pops up.

@MiddleEuroAsia kudos for your attempts but it's pointless to argue with such people. A few days ago this guy wrote on another thread that Swiss banks force people to invest in funds where all their money will be lost

These people are so sucked into the illusion that they posses some secret knowledge known only to them, that nothing can take them out of this neurosis. Of course anybody that doesn't agree with their madness is a "sheep" unable to think for himself. Gotta love the spelling mistakes as well, really adds to the credibility.
@MiddleEuroAsia kudos for your attempts but it's pointless to argue with such people. A few days ago this guy wrote on another thread that Swiss banks force people to invest in funds where all their money will be lost
i posted that swiss banks demanded to invest a % of your money into their own fund which holds stocks which are hit most during a recession.
I recommend reading better.
And if its true about the lack of gas we will soon.
Let's see if you have the courage to appolagize
Gotta love the conspiracy nuts here, every few months a new one pops up.
True, I love this forum (It's one of the three "social media" forum that I post in, besides LinkedIn and another forum) but man the trend of new people who post conspiracy nonsense here is concerning, it's like I'm watching twitter and Facebook unfold all it's glory here
having said that, I respect that @Admin and forum moderators don't censor people that don't agree with certain topics, this forum acts like a free market of ideas and @Admin let the members in this forum make their own minds instead of trying to censor views that agree or disagree with the status quo, I like that, and I honestly would like it to stay this way
@MiddleEuroAsia kudos for your attempts but it's pointless to argue with such people. A few days ago this guy wrote on another thread that Swiss banks force people to invest in funds where all their money will be lost
Really? lol . I mean yeah these people who invest with Lombard Odier (that holds assets with value of more than 60 billion CHF) and UBS (that holds assets more than 3 trillion dollars) are all sheeps, I mean how dare they invest with these fraudsters? instead they should've invested with la la bank in the BS island, it's the real deal that few people knows about, how do I know? I have sources from the inside and I doubt you would know better
It's really unfortunate, but what can you do about it? I realized 25 years ago that there are certain things that you can't change in this world and you gotta accept that this is just how the world works, I mean there are people who still argue whether the earth is round or flat, but I believe it's neither, the earth obviously is a donut.

So yeah, you are right, it's just that I like to give the other party the benefit of the doubt before I try to counter their arguments, but yeah, the moment I notice that the person I'm talking to choses the dark, muddy road, I nope out of this convo, because as you correctly pointed out, it's pointless and waste of time to argue with such people.
Reactions: Silvio
i posted that swiss banks demanded to invest a % of your money into their own fund which holds stocks which are hit most during a recession.
I recommend reading better.
It is still equally false, Swiss banks will invest your money in whatever funds you tell them to invest. You don't have to invest in stocks and definitely not in stocks that will be hit most during a recession...

I do agree that you will end up paying high fees for usually-less-than-stellar performance but that's another subject. You again show that you have little knowledge of how the banking actually works.

And if its true about the lack of gas we will soon.
Let's see if you have the courage to appolagize
Please tell us when will the EU run out of gas and we'll all freeze to death, so I will know exactly when I will need to apologize to you. Promise to apologize if you are right.

But please don't be like some other conspiracy nut in the forum that promised a crisis "in the next 5 to 8 years". Virtually dozens of crises will happen in the next 5-8 years and I don't need some secret "contacts on the ground" to know that.

To be fair a lot of the "conspiracy theories" lately turned out to be right so I am 100% in favor of free speech to everyone, and totally not against any bizarre theory. Just that some people take it too seriously and start believing in any random video they see on YouTube. If you believe that you can levitate or that the "evil banking cabal" secretly created Covid to control the world's population, please be prepared to prove it.

Exactly Always cracks me up when people talk s**t about Swiss banks but then go and bank in some banana island because it's "outside the control of the secret banking cabal". "The stock market is a scam! Luckily for me I invested in pecan trees in Paraguay because I'm so clever. Now just gotta wait 8 years to get my money back... but at least I invested in a REAL asset".
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Reactions: BigUnicorn
Heard the "Republic of Soyent Green," was quite happy for its citizens to walk around w/o a vaccine in the middle of the most prevalent pandemic since the Spanish flew. [sic].<literally.

Try Durien it's 5 years.
Europe will burn if that happens... so let's see if they do it.
Then perhaps klaus schnaps will have it right with his build back better ideology.
I applaud people not giving in and protesting for months now for freedom but this isn't a fair war and they just sit and let the folks get angry but eventually they have more resources. European siege could it be possible? nah because there are to many scared, indoctrinated sheep
Is there a conspiracy? who knows but you must admit how effective they rolled out everything , paid fake actors and bought thousands of dummy body bags. I never saw people falling dead on the street like in Wuhan. so which scene is real? People in rich cities are still sleeping on the street, in poverty while they easily create trillions of debt. You don't do that without a solid plan. agendaXX
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and let the folks get angry
Thats something they are preprared since violance at a specific stage is easy to predict and prepare for.
Once the violance gets bad they will let the next bomb explode which will make that europeans will fight each other.
There is a reason why europe is being flooded with very conservative muslims.
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