Any BANKERA.COM experiences?

Hello people,

I open a personal account with Bankera in March 2021 and completed verification Level 1, now i received 800 EUR and try to resend the money to a customer but i can´t because they have a ridicolous 1000 EUR anual limit for that level. Now i already submited the aplication for Level 2 and 3 that give you 1000 EUR limit by month or without any limits for receive and send. Do you know how much time they took for accept this aplication for new level and remove that poor limits? Thank you

Hello P3p386,

Did you already pass the verification level 2 or 3 for can send 1000 Eur limit by month? I have the same problem, i hope they answer my aplication more quickly than you. Did you try contact them by chat or email? Seeya

Hello, i get verified tier 3 complete in Bankera in about 3 business days and can send only Euro payments via SEPA without any limits, i don´t have any problem with this Bank by this moment. Thanks to @Gediminas that can speed up the process for me, i recommend his services to all forum. Seeya
After wasting 7+ weeks back and forth with their compliance and on-boarding customer service, just trying to open a basic business account for a newly formed HK company (no negative history of any sort), they have come back and said the application doesnt meet their "eligibility criterion" and they will be keep the 450 EUR application fee.

Their tagline of "banks complicate things, we don't" must be a joke, their application is worse than any bank I've had to deal with before and in the end, was pointless and got nowhere.

Waste of time, waste of money, either an outright scam or just a terrible company. Useless either way.
Reactions: Lincoln Burrows
It's probably your case was not acceptable by regulations. What is your activity? In such cases as HK companies and similar I always advise to speak with lawyers before going to banks. @Gediminas is quite good advising opening account. You can ask him!
Reactions: Gediminas
People on here understandably question Gediminas’ impartiality, but as an independent personal and business customer of Bankera, I can confirm that it is neither a scam nor a terrible company. I have been with them since around the start of the year and found the onboarding and general level of customer services to be pretty good. The onboarding team are very responsive and on the few occasions where payments have been queried (which is to be expected for new relationships) the payments team have been very quick and reasonable. No issues to date

picture of card added for any doubters out there of my own legitimacy


Probably yes - but why not publish these "eligibility criterion" instead of having a website representing that they accept global business for business accounts, and (laughably) that they make it straight forward and simple to set up?

Instead they take the fee, waste weeks and weeks of your time with their slow responses and 100's of questions, and then just state the entity does not meet the mysterious "eligibility criterion" and that they'll be keeping the money.

This is a "great company" ?
Hi there!
For the purpose of getting an Iban account where I can withdraw crypto earnings and send them to brokers like Interactive Brokers or DeGiro - and maybe the other way around too-, does it make sense to open a a personal account with Bankera, or is rather preferable to open an account at Spectrocoin?

It seems to me that using Spectrocoin instead of bankera I would get same benefits, but will avoid one step, the one of withdrawing from crypto exchange to bank.

Thank you

Yep, in your case an account at SpectroCoin would be enough.
I am writing this post in the name of unbiased public interest, because I see "some strange activity" by few people in this topic.

1. In general, quite a few people are complaining about "random practices" of Bankera closing accounts left-and-right with and without reason. Read up the previous pages of the topic, also read reviews on TrustPilot too (Bankera is rated "Great" with 4.1 / 5 on Trustpilot)

2. The user @Gediminas (who very actively replies to "unfortunate customers" and always highlights what could have went wrong) - by his own words in a previous post - is indirectly related or at least - acquianted - with the team of Bankera. So, his opinions should not be taken for unbiased ones.
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1. No, they do not close accounts left and right, you are very wrong. They are strict at the account opening, but once the account is opened - the customers enjoy a flawless banking experience.

2. My connection with them is not a secret. It's is purely based on an introduction basis and most of this forum readers know about it. But we have more partners than Bankera, so do not overthink about it

Bankera is simply the best partner we have!