He should not be paranoid. However I have had banks reach out to me 3 years after closure for missing
due diligence documents that they never asked for in first place. Naturally this was not a bank in UAE and I was able to just ignore the email and the actual postal mail that came through my door as registered international mail. These things only happen during an internal audit and I think if they accepted a "trust me bro" in a PDF from your friend they probably are not that competent as a bank in due diligence.
Ok that is a specific case. I have done the same when I worked for my own company and was applying for residency somewhere which is totally acceptable. But this is about large case deposits made at a bank - 27 of them with no due diligence. That takes some balls and some incompetence at the bank and its IT systems to not ask any questions whatsoever until account closure. Maybe bank looks at local currency [AED]
cash deposits different than foreign currency deposits that's all I can think off as to how he got away with all those cash deposits in this day and age.
@HundHond Please stop asking for posts to be deleted without a good reason. It's not you but your friend that has issues I understand. However somebody seems way too paranoid in this situation
