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A freelancing platform that issues invoices in its name?

I have UK LTD offering B2C services to EU residents and I'm below VAT threshold for now.
My company accountant told me that I won't be able to register for VAT in UK because operations don't happen in the country. They said they gonna do research on this topic to see if I ever have to register for VAT given I'm not residing in UK

How do you know its not legal?
You are below the threshold for UK companies. Are you below the threshold for the EU country that you sell in (quick tip: there is no threshold for non-residents e.g. you will always be expected to pay VAT).

If so (you are below, and a resident) than you have nothing to worry about because you don't make enough money so that anyone would care about you.
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is there something like rent a company but to sell online (ebay, amazon etc)? ( I checked rentacompany but its top tier set up)
maybe a simple solution exists...? thanks
That's pretty cool, looks like that's exactly what I'm looking for.
So essentially I'd have my company sign a contract with Rimuut, and Rimuut will sign a contract with my sole proprietorship. The company will receive invoices from Rimuut, the sole proprietorship won't be mentioned anywhere. Equally the sole proprietorship will receive payments from Rimuut, and the company won't be mentioned on that side either. Rimuut will take its cut for being an intermediary, and tax authorities in either of those 2 countries won't know about each other.

What if your company gets audited? Won't they want to see what those payments were for? It's kind of funny though, I wonder if you could avoid transfer pricing restrictions this way. After all, the transactions aren't between related entities. ;-)
What if your company gets audited? Won't they want to see what those payments were for? It's kind of funny though, I wonder if you could avoid transfer pricing restrictions this way. After all, the transactions aren't between related entities. ;-)

Would probably be no issue, they would just assume that the platform provided the services (Which they in fact does if they act as resellers)
Is there an option to use Xolo for B2B invoices?
I also would like to know if Xolo will provide a IBAN on my company name?
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