True. most my companies have substance in their respective jurisdictions, but A lot of my friends who are new to the business and come to Dubai get by fine by doing my mentioned method, although I have to admit that it takes some time, but I guarantee that it's by far the most bullet proof method in dubai.
Of course some one who wants a faster method can do it by other means, just like merchant invoices and the likes (and I'm sure that
@Fred and
@CaptK know what I'm talking about), of course there is certain risks with this method, but it's faster than my mentioned method and it works - for now at least.
this Confuses the s**t out of me, why people who make more than six figures (either from sound business or funny ones) care about a few bucks? like stop being a cheap f**k ffs lol, everybody in this world wants to make money, no one is providing anything for free, even people who do charity, get spiritual/emotional satisfaction out of this work, so it's technically not free either.
Banks wants to make money (yeah, what a shocker!!!), I would be more afraid of banks who have 0$ fees and what not, because that usually means that these banks have 0% risk appetite and are not for people like us who do lot's of cross border transactions.
I agree, everyone have different needs, I always say that what might suit you might not suit me and vice versa, and it doesn't mean that any of us is wrong, it's just the nature of this business.
Yeah, these people needs to take some steps before jumping into the banking wagon, and they need to do it FAST, things are changing at a fast rate as you said, plus The UAE central bank is being f annoying these days, I have info from people working there, that there are annoying moves being made to crack down on institutions outside of the banking system, like Real estate brokers, gold sellers...etc. nothing is happening as of now, but these signs aren't good, I just hope that this is just a show to please the f*****s in the OECD and FATF and nothing serious comes out of it, because oh boy, this could be a serious blow to the UAE economy if they were serious and thought that this is a good move.
Yeah, this isn't a short term solution by any means, I'm not the type of guy who likes to jump every year or two between banks, I like the banks/institutions/individuals whom I can form a long lasting relationship with, that's just how I do business.
but yeah, overall, there are better short term solutions, I just gave my 2 cents for people who are considering Dubai as a long term solution and not just quick cash out scheme.
I hope that clarifies it a bit.