We have a limited time offer for 100% Anonymous Offshore banking.
Usually you MUST provide some photo ID i.e. passport copy or other government issued photo ID and a utility bill or bank statement!!! - Now we can do the task without such documents 100% Anonymous banking as it was meant to be!!
You must be 18+
You can't be an US citizen
No illegal stuff / business
Banking codes, PIN's etc. will not be send by courier to you, if you need it you have to pick it up in Switzerland.
Where is this bank located?
We will not publish the name, nor location of the bank before you have signed the initial application and paid the fee. You don't even need to try to trick us to release that information we won't give this information at all!
Are there any guarantees for account approval?
As long as you don't violate any of the banks rules and have a legit business there are no problems to get your offshore bank account.
What is the fee?
We will charge EUR 1.500 for this service, you can place your order here; http://cnpeurope.com/index.php/home/contact-cnpeurope