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  1. E

    Bank in Europe where to open account quick for offshore?

    Looking for bank in Europe where to open account quick for Seychelles offshore company. Need to transfer money from Rietumu Bank to this new account in name of same company. Any recommendations?
  2. D

    Complete noob question regarding personal Cyprus account.

    Hi, I am new to the whole offshore deal and I've got some questions... Actually a lot of them. If I get a personal account in Cyprus I also get a debit card, I'm right? Is using such a card where I am residing damaging to my privacy? Also, I am resident in Italy, does a Cyprus personal account...
  3. mickey

    Hedge Fund Formation

    Hello there, I'm Mickey and I'm new on board. Since 2012 I was active on TalkGold and now I'm very happy to be here to find some knowledge by professionals. Now to my company: I plan to setup a Hedge Fund. In order to save capital gain tax the company have to be in a offshore jurisdiction. Now...
  4. offtopic

    Looking for best holdco to own FR subco equities

    First poster here. Here is my topic: Being proposed to take equities FR company. I myself live in EU and don't want to appear directly as a person and would like to set up a (EU?) holding to pull off dividends each year. May also use it for some B2B consulting invoices from time to time...
  5. offtopic

    Advice needed | Taking equities into French company

    Hi, I'm going to associate with 2 other fellows who want to set up a FR company asap. I myself live in EU and don't want to appear directly as a person and would like to set up a (EU?) holding to own my FR stake and pull off dividends each year. I'm looking for advice regarding the easiest...
  6. D

    How to avoid the UBO register in Europe?

    Now there is a publicly accessible UBO register in many EU countries and the rest will have such a register in a few weeks. Is there any solution that could help me to avoid this? Let's say I would use an offshore foundation or trust then would I still have to file myself as the UBO of my EU...
  7. D

    Remote car registration in Europe

    Is it possible to remotely register a car in any EEA country? I'll purchase a car in one EU country but I want it to be registered in any other EU country (not for tax or privacy reasons). I would register a company in that EU country and would put the car under that company's name and register...
  8. B

    Offshore or Free zone ?

    Dear all, I just found this very interesting forum. Here is my question hoping that someone will be able to enlight me. I am starting a vending machine business based in a European country (outside of the EU). I am familiar with Dubai with family living/working there etc... I was wondering if...
  9. blip

    Perfect setup: Offshore company with second passport

    Hello, I'm exploring some options for a worryfree setup. I have passport in country A-HOME (EU). My residence is also here. I get a passport in country B-SECOND (in Europe but outside of EU). I open a Seychelles company (with nominees) and provide my passport and papers for my B-SECOND...
  10. blip

    offshore structure for IT consultant in EU with EU clients

    This forum is great, this is my first post. I’m looking to establish an offshore structure to bill for IT consultancy services in Europe (in my own country of residence). I don’t want my name to appear anywhere on any contract towards the clients. So a nominee director is a must. I'm thinking...
  11. dotbloup

    What happens if non-EU business don't follow MOSS EU VAT scheme?

    Hi, Non EU businesses who sell digital goods to EU customers should also collect the VAT from the EU countries where the consumer is located (same logic as for EU businesses selling to individuals in EU). Reference is below. Telecommunications, broadcasting & electronic services - European...