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bank account

  1. M

    Business bank account for international in & outgoing transfers. [

    I looking for a bank for my new tech company. We'll received and send lot of international transfers (USA & EU). Whats the best choice? What is your advice? Important things: Online onboarding, low nternational in & outgoing transfer fees, security & support. Wise & Revolut not option.
  2. O

    Crypto friendly bank of Europe for Argentine residents?

    Hi, how are things? I am with the following problem: Turns out I'm looking for a crypto-friendly bank or EMI so as not to break out of TransferWise's T&C. Currently I am charging a few dollars for that platform and I would like to transfer it to USDT, but I know that TransferWise prohibits the...
  3. C

    New Member Here to discuss everything Crypto business related

    Hi Guys, New member here suffering from 2 serious afflications (esp for someone in Crypto), but don't hold it against me. I hold a US passport and an Indian OCI (Overseas Citizen of India) card. While most of my intentions and journey in the next few months will be dedicated to...
  4. M

    Business bank account for pay per view adult social media website

    Hi guys, Im in big s**t and idk what should i do. We create a new pay per view social media website and we allowed adult content. Company created in Estonia. Now i need business bank account, but 100/100 bank rejected bc its high risk. Whats the solution? My company activity: Data processing...
  5. I

    UK Inheritance tax (+offshore investments)

    Hey guys, is there a way to offshore investments to avoid UK IHT tax, preferably without relocation? I have $3m, across a property, ETF's and pension. (All legal) I'd hate giving HMRC $1m or more if something happens to me. I was thinking of setting up a Nevis LLC, owned by a trust, with nominee...
  6. L

    Question Need account with ID only, no bio/video verification. Prepaid possible?

    Needed account only whit Id identification no biometric and videoveryfication please help can be preapaid whit Iban to recive money best regards!!!
  7. S

    What Are Common Banking Solutions For Delaware Companies?

    I'm a non-resident in Delaware and I'm planning to register my second company in this State. I just wonder that how I could manage my business finances such as business transactions or payment receipts from customers. How to open a business account without coming here and passing lots of...
  8. kriyazen

    EMI for an UEA FZ LLC

    Does any of you friendly people know of any EMI that excepts UAE FZ LLC and preferably issues debit cards in Euro? In a nutshell, I'm looking for a Wise Boadersless Business or Revolut Business copycat where I could hold and transact in multiple currencies. Thank you!
  9. OJ333

    Virtual Bank Account For UAE (RAKICC) Company

    Hello, I would like to ask those of you who have experience to point me to a good virtual bank account (think Transferwise borderless before they closed down for UAE) for a company registered in the RAKICC register from UAE (it's address is in Dubai). So far, I have experience with: -...
  10. S

    Question Risks of bank opening with 'improved' documents

    Hi guys Strictly hypothetical question: in Europe, what are risks, for a person tries to open foreign bank account with documents not 100% correct, and if bank notices? Will they only refuse account request, or something worse - sue, complain to police, etc.? (is it a big deal?) Also, do banks...
  11. M

    looking to incorporate and setup bank account

    Hey guys Looking to incorporate and open a bank account remotely. I am an EU citizen and looking for a solution which doesn’t need travelling to open the corporate bank account. Our business is a dropshipping one. Thank you.
  12. C

    Bank Accounts in Mexico

    Any good recommendations for banks in Mexico that can open accs for offshore cos? Thanks.
  13. O

    Which bank for a deposit around 1.2-1.5 million USD?

    Hi, I’ve just joined the group and this is my First time post. I am in the process of selling my ecommerce business for more than a million. I am looking for a multi currency bank(or at least a US dollar account) where i can store these funds for a while. what are your suggestions? I was...
  14. cryptoviking

    Non US-citizen: How do I open a US bank account?

    Some background that might help: I value my privacy and have a good portion of my net worth in crypto. I got various EMI accounts (Revolut, Wise, etc.) I am a tax resident and live in Thailand and travel a lot as I make my earnings outside Thailand (some in the US). I have been looking into...
  15. B

    Offshore Company in RAK zone UAE + Bank account help

    Hey everyone, a friend of mine currently sells items on Amazon and eBay, I have been speaking with a company in the UAE that have suggested I open a RAK Company with the cost for company formation and bank account opening assistance at approximately £1,800 and then a yearly fee of £1000, the...
  16. M

    Question Cash-equivalent investment

    Hi, If you have a sum that you want to keep safe, by investing it somehow as an alternative to a current account, without investing it into equity/bonds - any suggestions? Since the sum is more than the bank deosit guarantee (100k eur), a current account is risky. First priority is funds...
  17. M

    Question Private banking - 7/8 figures, white and safe

    Hi, I’m looking for a new home for my ETF holdings that have a 7-8 figure worth in EUR - currently it’s with an online broker but it’s not as financially stable as a brick and mortar bank, although has better fees - but I’m willing to pay in fees if it means my funds are secure. I was thinking...
  18. K

    finding bank who not cancel acc after a few payments

    Hi, i finding crypto friendly bank who dont cancel account after received a few payments. I tried a lot of banks but everyone ask documents or straight cancel account. Why this emi banks are created if after a few payments blocked accounts? I know AML but must be bank who is "more liberty"...
  19. Y

    Is Bankera good for Interactive Brokers

    I have an IBKR stock trading account and I'm facing slippage of around 9% in forex conversion while depositing funds and withdrawing profits into my local bank account. As brokers don't allow deposits from EMIs and third-party payments, I'm kinda confused whether I should open a Bankera account...
  20. uplana

    UK LTD and EU citizen, any tax benefit?

    I have wondered if it might pay off for me to set up a company in the UK, get it to invoice all customers, get my Swedish company to invoice the English and then avoid paying Swedish corporation tax. I have with great enthusiasm read the article in mentor group gold which explains all the...