clear thank you will forward this information to my bank later today and ask them again to hand it over to me. Do you know if I open an account with a Cyprus bank and if they are able to write a reference letter for me after some time?
Thank you if we don't have a notary service here would a attorney be able to do the same? he said that it was okay but before I pay money for it I better ask twice.
Thanks for the reviews / links, they are from one of the biggest SCAM forums around talking about nothing else than what the forum owners sell. I got banned there because I found negative reviews on about some of their service and about the forum itself. Do you have links to other...
Thank you for the wealth of information about Cim bank I have just planned my trip to Switzerland for the next week and plan to walk into the bank to get my account opened. I also agreed to meet with some agent specialized in forming Swiss companies. Will get back here to tell you about my...
Awesome list. I know you said you don't have personal experience with all of them. But are there any you can recommend for some straight online business?
I have been asked to provide a bankers reference letter but they can't send me sample or tell me what it should look like, can you explain to me what it is and where to find it?
My bank told me they can send it to the corespondent bank but not to me!!
So what to do?
I want to know what other offshore accounts there are in the Caribbean for remote bank account opening. I know of Euro Pacific Bank that claim to be an offshore bank but actually is just a financial service company allowed or not to do banking business.
What other real offshore banks are there?
I was wondering what documents I should get when I register a offshore company anywhere? are there any special standard documents that some get always and are there documents we need to request that the agent may not consider important?
Please any information is helpful?