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Offshore bank accounts

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I am new to offshore, can anyone point me to the right direction .. I am Egyptian Citizen who lives in denmark for the last 5 years trading crypto and looking to withdraw my profits anonnymous and be able to spend it ofcourse instead of withdrawing straight forward to my danish bank account as it will raise flags and must pay high taxes.

Should I open corporate bank account for an offhsore company with a crypto hedge fund as activity or personal offshore bank account is enough ? Not planing to withdraw much, 10-15k $ monthly to offshore then forward to my persoanl account since its coming from my personal name it should be fine.

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Anyone can help with the offshore corporate account, Company got crypto licence
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Hi All. Sorry dont know how to open new post .. Have ecomm site.do not sell or purchase in country of residence. But take the hit on paypal acc as it is remitted is same year as earned.

However can anyone advise by experience if they receive affilate comm direct to their personnal offshore account without bank query or if requested how you resolved it? I do receive offshore salary to my Acc without problem asked if still employed by same employer a few times.

My concern being I don't want to lock up the account as it is an asset in itself.

I would like to have something in hand like an afdiliate agreement to show the bank. Assume though standard agreements refer to the website and individual Not just and individual.

Anyone have personal experience with banking this way and /or issue with the bank and how they resolved it. Or if you do use this method you have no issues please advise.

I know some may advise incorp +biz account just dont have suficient revenue as yet.
Advice would be welcomed.
(Almost) Everything you need to know about offshore bank accounts
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Offshore bank accounts used to be one of the biggest and best kept secrets in the world of finance, the kinds of bank accounts that were only ever utilized by major multinational corporations and some of the wealthiest people on the planet to hide their money in.

Then Hollywood found out about offshore bank accounts, started using them in most every thriller movie imaginable, and before long birdie much everyone on the planet had heard about offshore bank accounts – and most wanted to open up their own but never knew how!

Today, for a variety of different reasons, it’s easier (and both more difficult) to open up offshore bank accounts than it’s ever been in the past. But you need to make sure that you are going about things the right way.

While we won’t be able to cover absolutely everything in regards to this form of banking in this quick guide we are certainly going to be able to point you in the right direction and provide you with a tremendous amount of inside information to help you out.

If you’re ready to take the plunge, let’s dive right in!

What are the benefits of setting up offshore bank accounts?

The first thing that you have to realize right off the bat is that these bank accounts aren’t just for the super rich or the super famous any longer, but can instead be taken advantage of by pretty much anyone and everyone while offering a number of significant benefits along the way.

For starters, you’ll be able to cover up a tremendous amount of political risk the when you set up offshore bank accounts. The biggest threat to your money today isn’t the stock market or the collapse of real estate values, but instead your own government and how they are going to feel about you having “more money then you should”.

Civil forfeiture is a very real and scary thing in the United States today (and a big part of most every police department’s budget), and that’s just one reason why you’d want to hide the bulk of your wealth in a Cyprus or believes bank account today!

By choosing to use offshore accounts you are insulating your money from attack and keeping it out of the hands of a government that may not be quite as friendly towards your wealth as you had hoped they’d be.

Secondly, offshore account services and the banks that operate them are almost always fundamentally solid through and through – something that cannot be said about more traditional banks.

We saw in the mid-thousands exactly how unstable that the US banking system was, and only now are we starting to dig ourselves out of that hole. Greece was once believed to have rocksolid finances and a fantastic banking system, and now they are on the verge of complete and total collapse.

You don’t want to leave your money in the hands of people that don’t have your best interests at heart and may not be anywhere near as stable as they make themselves out to be.

Finally, the last real benefit that we will touch on here – but certainly not the last benefit you’ll enjoy when using offshore bank accounts – is the ability to protect your assets better than you’d be able to with most traditional banking solutions.

Many offshore account services allow you a tremendous amount of extra security and privacy than traditional banks do not, and almost all of them offer extra layers of safety and a “smokescreen” that allows you to protect your assets from those that would maliciously take them from you.

There’s a lot more freedom behind these offshore bank accounts, that’s for sure!

Opening an offshore account is a lot easier than most people think it’s going to be

The actual process for opening up an offshore account is simple and straightforward, and some would even consider it to be effortless. Offshore bank account services like those in Cyprus or Belize have really streamlined their operations, and many of them are looking for new ways to make the process even easier all the time.

The challenge – and the real difficulty behind signing up and opening one of these accounts – is not the actual process or the paperwork, but actually finding a legitimate operation that you know you are going to be able to trust.

Different offshore banks are going to have different rules and regulations you’ll need to meet to leverage their account services, and you need to be 100% certain you are always working with the very best of the best in this business.

After all, this is your money that we’re talking about, your wealth, and your most prized assets. This is the kind of stuff that you can never afford to leave to anyone that isn’t a complete and total professional with a 100 year or longer track record of safety, security, and financial stability.

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At the end of the day, offshore bank accounts can provide you with all of the banking advantages you’ve been searching for – but only after they have been set up and established the right way.

If you are ready to take the plunge and move forward with your own offshore bank account, you’ll want to get a move on things today. Check out your options, move forward with a trustworthy offshore bank service, and be sure to leverage all of the significant benefits and advantages that these offshore bank accounts have to offer.

Learn more about offshore banks Offshore bank - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


I am looking for a recommendation for opening a bank account for a Mauritian Offshore company that will be trading in Libya. I have tried several Jurisdictions and they could not accept because Libya is classified as a high risk country. The business is clean and all details can be provided. If someone could recommend any jurisdiction that will accept such bank account?

Thanks you

I am new to offshore, can anyone point me to the right direction .. I am Egyptian Citizen who lives in denmark for the last 5 years trading crypto and looking to withdraw my profits anonnymous and be able to spend it ofcourse instead of withdrawing straight forward to my danish bank account as it will raise flags and must pay high taxes.

Should I open corporate bank account for an offhsore company with a crypto hedge fund as activity or personal offshore bank account is enough ? Not planing to withdraw much, 10-15k $ monthly to offshore then forward to my persoanl account since its coming from my personal name it should be fine.


What did you do in the end? I am in a similar position at the moment. Basically, I just need a bank account for receiving payments from my clients and for depositing and withdrawing fiat when trading crypto.

I am looking for a recommendation for opening a bank account for a Mauritian Offshore company that will be trading in Libya. I have tried several Jurisdictions and they could not accept because Libya is classified as a high risk country. The business is clean and all details can be provided. If someone could recommend any jurisdiction that will accept such bank account?

Thanks you
there is no way this is going to work out for you! Sorry man!
I guess there are couple of options in Georgia and Estonia, pm me for more details
Could you give any names of the banks in Georgia and Estonia for instance? We've recently tried to register a current account for our BVI Company in Belorussia... And after filling in some tedious questionnaires and answering lots of additional detailed questiones for almost 2 weeks, we received a rejection e-mail. So, we're in seach again...
Could you give any names of the banks in Georgia and Estonia for instance? We've recently tried to register a current account for our BVI Company in Belorussia... And after filling in some tedious questionnaires and answering lots of additional detailed questiones for almost 2 weeks, we received a rejection e-mail. So, we're in seach again...
Estonian banks opening accounts for foreigners bit difficult. Alternatively you can get remittances done by service providers like paysera
before anyone consider CG Bank you want to check the threads linked below:
https://www.offshorecorptalk.com/threads/cg-bank-comores-reliable-or-not.25089/https://www.offshorecorptalk.com/threads/cg-bank-experiences.25459/The fake banks of the Comoros Islands <- this is hot stuff

You better reconsider your idea to use CG Bank as anything good!
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