This news has puzzled me. The bank manager assured me that account opening is super easy with them. I have been waiting for their payment facilities to start operating since last year. Now I suppose, it is not worth waiting.
There fees page says minimum monthly fee waived until May 31st 2019. Could be an indication they have something in place after this date. Or maybe I am reading too much between the lines.
They also write in the FAQ :
7. Who is your remittance agency?
We are temporarily adjourning remittance facilities and inward deposits to our customers' accounts. We have taken the decision to review and improve our remittance services and delivery protocols to improve our operational standards.
They have now a subsidiary in HK for securities, fonds and stock investments. On the front page you can see a mobile phone with a bitcoin chart and in their FAQ they don't say anymore they don't support funds from crypto currency.
Before I forget they now charge 3,500$ for corporate account opening what a mess I didn't know them earlier![]()