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List of EMI and Digital Banks

Moneta internation UAB
Seems a new one , don't know about them, I m in process of open account
please update us if you are able to get an account opened with them. Your feedback is much appreciated!
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iCard started in Bulgaria.
iCard setup Leupay in Luxenbourg.
iCard setup SATA Bank in Malta.
Leupay moved to Malta, uses SATA as backend.
Leupay moved to UK (as services company).
Leupay cards now moved to iCard in Bulgaria.
Leupay will stop using SATA as backend and switch over to iCard in Bulgaria.

Really builds trust.
This makes them very frustrating to use! I'm using MisterTango right now!
I have read the whole thread. Thank you for so much precious intel !

But, I didn't see a review about EcoPayz et Money Polo ? Someone try them ?

If you have a Irish or a English account, you can try Paywithfire, very low fee for wire transfert (only SEPA). Never get a problem with them and the customer service answer very quickly !
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Reactions: SBI Gibraltar
I see a new EMI what could be interesting for HK companies: www.i-account.cc
Allow companies, swift, iban, 3party loads... It seem what your ewallet is not in your names

NOTE: Suspiciously they seem to be Leupay owners or custommers according to his offered cards
If you try them please post your review here, new EMI's are welcome ;)
I see a new EMI what could be interesting for HK companies: www.i-account.cc
Allow companies, swift, iban, 3party loads... It seem what your ewallet is not in your names

NOTE: Suspiciously they seem to be Leupay owners or custommers according to his offered cards

They do not offer a individual IBAN or bank account. So not an EMI per se.
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Are these EMIs subjects to CRS / AEOI regulation?

Do they do automatic reporting to tax authorities of jurisdictions of clients?

If yes, do they do it at end of year and report account balance only?

Or do they report annual turnover?

And if they report at end of year, doesn't it make sense to use them for year, then delete account and leave it with 0$? So either nothing or 0$ balance gets reported?
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Maybe this company offer you CY iban: Corporate accounts

His fees looks overrated

The website looks a little strange, but the service may be good, let's hope someone can place a review on this company / operation.
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Reactions: Freewilly
have you looked into mistertango, transferwise borderless or Sepaga most of them are already discussed here on the forum.
Nowdays you must be carefull with dark it s not like 6 monthes ago.
In fact depends how you manage the dark but this is your business.
I still work with dark but every 50k i clean the account.
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