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panama vs argentina

between panama and argentina, which country has more lax tax laws regarding legal residents only having offshore bank accounts since both countries are technically third world countries? can someone please tell me. thank you.
Argentina??? Please, are you mad? I'm from Argentina, I don't recommend you put any dolar here, the tax are around 35% for profit, vat 21% and anothers taxes around 10%. Argentina doesn't have any OFFSHORE BANK legislation. Argentina is not a third world country, as maybe people knows that Argentina is the best country in GBP in Latinamerica, more thna Brazil and Mexico. I don't recommend you argentina's bank system is so restrictive for local and foreign inverstors.
If you have any question, please, let me know it.
Go for Panama as so many already have done and suggested it's easy to incorporate there and you gain some tax benefits. If you want to keep your privacy you want to look into nominees or a different jurisdiction like Belize!
Not many. A Panamanian corporation can lead to permanent residency under the friendly nations visa. Otherwise Belize would be a better option assuming you're not doing business in Panama.
Totally agree and from my limited experience Belize IBC's are exceedingly easy to setup and low cost.
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