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Alice Weidel, Elon Musk and Donald Trump - The Three Musketeers – Are we closer to the Third Reich?

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Weidel has a point when she says that Germany has been flooded with immigrants because "Mutti" Angela invited refugees from all over the world. Apparently, they are hosting around 10 million refugees, which Germany simply cannot afford. That is one of the things Weidel wants to address, and it sounds reasonable enough.

Those who have never worked in Germany or paid taxes shouldn’t receive social benefits, and if they commit crimes, they should be sent back to their home countries. Fair enough.
It might have been different if Röhm has got his second revolution. But I would say the actual Third Reich was very much a petite bourgeoisie project. At least based on reading of A Diary of a Man in Despair.
Its very much obvious that the author of your book was a cowardly Bolshevik terrorist.
I wouldn't take the writings of an mentally unstable traitor for facts.

"In the entry for 11 August 1936, Reck describes how he once saw Hitler dining alone in a Munich restaurant, and expresses regret that he had not shot him dead when he had the chance. He regarded Hitler at the time as a character out of a comic strip, and refrained from shooting him, although he had a loaded revolver with him."

Even the New York times mentions that he was an unstable person filled with hatred spewing lies. He even had his own version of Morgentau plan in mind for Germany.

"Reck‐Malleczewen made a mystique of his hatred. In his Old Testament rage he cursed the Nazis and their children's children, and like all obsessed men he believed almost any thing that confirmed his hatreds. Thus he writes that a woman who wishes to may apply to an S.S. stud bureau and have a child by choosing a potential father from a photo graph; or that Hitler, sexually impotent, furnished his make believe mistress, Eva Braun, with a neighboring palace where she could be on call at any moment; in addition to Eva, the Fiihrer, like Baude laire's king of a rainy country, had a bevy of dancing girls from the decadent families of the nobility to whet his jaded tastes. None of this and of much else the author records is literally true; the S.S. was exhorted to procreate but it had no stud farm; Eva Braun lived a modest life, much of it in one room, and the women around Hitler were not danseu ses but mainly the dowdy rela tives of his male intimates.
Gasoline, he wrote, had done more harm to man than alcohol. He wanted to eliminate Berlin and Prussia as political centers of gravity, to cleanse south Germany of Prussians, to liquidate the property they had acquired in Bavaria, to expropriate all heavy industry and to nationalize the factories.

This was a private Morgenthau plan with admixtures of Stalinism, but the author had no possible connection with socialism; he regarded himself as a monarthist, an arch conservative.


The lower part, regarding gasoline and industry, could have been written by the bolsheviks.....sorry.....technocrats of today. Looking at Germany today, they were finally successful with making the factories leave Germany through eco fascism and our technocratic friends from WEF, who want to reduce consumption and world population to keep more resources for themselves. The plebs will own nothing and 'be happy' - or dead. Right, Klaus Schwab?
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I always interpreted him as a peasants-back-to-the-solid traditionalist aristocrat who was very clear eyed on the nature of the average n**i, but unable to articulate any solution to it past returning to the 1880s.

Wouldn't vote for him, but I'd consider him a fair, if bitter, reporter of what he saw and heard around him at the time.


So not saying you're not right, but I'd still recommend the book.
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It can never hurt to read a book, whether the author is good or bad.
actually it can - it costs you the most precious thing you own - especially when you read about nonsense somebody distracts you with and that is actually totally unimportant and malicious
Who should evaluate your statement?
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actually it can - it costs you the most precious thing you own - especially when you read about nonsense somebody distracts you with and that is actually totally unimportant and malicious
Yes, sure. But if you go onto the street and look what people are wasting their time (videos, phone games, alcohol), I am pretty sure that even the dumbest book will be a cure to your brain, just only because you need to read and use your own imagination.

And besides that, you are here on OCT and not solving high quality math problems, so probably a book would also be good for you. If you chose wisely.
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Capture d’écran 2025-02-23 à 18.00.57.webp
So far it looks good for AfD, it wasn't expected they won the selection this time, but next time they may and until then they may have influence of the current situation in Germany.
So far it looks good for AfD, it wasn't expected they won the selection this time, but next time they may and until then they may have influence of the current situation in Germany.
Merz has to be against immigration this time otherwise AfD will take over in 4 years.

But even then if AfD becomes the biggest party in 2029 no other party would form a coalition with them (Cordon sanitaire)
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Merz has to be against immigration this time otherwise AfD will take over in 4 years.

But even then if AfD becomes the biggest party in 2029 no other party would form a coalition with them (Cordon sanitaire)
ROFL people amzes me......unable to even see the smallest theatre played for the public

Ohhhh how unexpected CDU with Merz ex Balckrock director won.It was so unexpected.
So now germany will pay 700 billion out of 1000 for the recovery fund for ukraine managed of course by blackrock.
What a surprise and in 2029 when people officaly will be tired of cdu , spd and greens they will vote for afd which will leave the EU and destroy it
like the think tanks from US are demanding it so poland will create its new union 3 sea initiative.
What a surprise..........yeah these think tanks needs to be clairvoyant to forsee the future results or people must be so dumb not seeing that the votes are rigged,

Seriously greens got under 5% vote in east germany which means they got arround 18% votes in west germany.
You guys really belive 1/5 of population would vote green ?I don't know even a single one
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