It does not work there like that, i suggest you go and live there for a while and do some research, the way you are talking and asking questions I am sure you dont know how it works there. If you are tight with money and thinking of getting everything cheap then trust me dubai is not a cheap place. You will be better off living in
malaysia or somewhere there.
Thanks for your post.
I found lot of websites and articles listing approximate LLC license cost in range of 12 K to15K AED per year. So, I wanted to check if any suitable freezone license can be obtained in that price range.
My main concern was around compliance in terms of my activity being considered within the scope of the license.
Ignoring the budget, can you provide few decent freezones that grant license for "holding of shares" and would not raise any issues for me in the future?
This has been my experience in last one month of my research. You may ignore it.
I have never been there so not sure how it works. I have been searching for lot of information in reddit and other forums.
I spoke to around 10 - 12 business set up consultants, couple of NRIs (non-resident Indians) residing in UAE, Sarwa customer service (local securities broker offering trading in US markets), a practicing CA and couple of people who assist in opening bank accounts.
Business consultants: None of them were suggested an activity that exactly describes active derivatives trading in international regulated exchanges. Some of them told me that you can choose
investment category license. Couple of them told me that there are people who take some kind of visa (either through Freezone LLC or freelancer) and just reside there in UAE without any genuine business activity. They keep renewing their visas to extend their stay and are financially comfortable to sustain their lifestyle. Few of them told me that people take license and use it as a vehicle to stay in UAE and
suggested that I can do the same and trade in my personal account as I am using my personal funds.
I did not know how much to trust these consultants because they have a vested interest in making me open a business through them. So, they might hide consequences of compliance issues if my activity is deemed to be outside the license by authorities. I would have to face the potential fallout if any questions are raised about my activity.
NRIs told me that you can open a Freezone LLC for visa purpose and trade in personal account to keep things simple (without audits, compliances etc). No permission or license is needed for trading personal funds.
Sarwa customer service: Told me that I don't need any license to trade options in US markets in my personal account.
The practicing CA told me that I can take any investment license or freelancer license and then register for Corporate tax because my activity is defined as a business activity. Actual tax liability would depend on total profits.