Well, this is the FIRST & ONLY time I am going to comment on this!
I told EVERYONE on OCT in October that I will be gone missing for a while. I do NOT access OCT and many other sides from within China. I have NO interest in pissing off my host country! First, you need a VPN and they can see it.
Please, pay attention...
(1) There are at least +12 OCT members who alerted me to the fake news, but what am I supposed to do? Stop my life/business because some disable & displaced (banned?) hater decided to fool you?
He didn't fool me. I knew I was alive.
(2) On or about December, several OCT members reached out to me, (on other platforms; platforms I mean are messengers, like TG, Session, Threema, DingTalk, WeChat, VIPole, etc etc telling me there is a message from a new account claiming I died.
This was one of my many responses:
View attachment 8515
(3) Since
@Frankie may need a lesson in humility as usual, I'll give him Warren Buffett's response that he gave in the afternoon session in 1994 regarding dispelling rumors. Unless you were there, you would NOT know this. It can't be found on Google.
Here it is:
Video/Audio of Warren Buffett in 1994 explaining why he doesn't correct wrong information.
Here is the transcript:
View attachment 8517
and the last part:
View attachment 8518
(4) This is NOT exclusive to OCT...it happens every day to many people...even on X and YT. Happened to this doctor here:
Video of Very Sad News - The Doctor is NOT dead!
(5) Now, the process.... I do NOT have OCT with me! OCT and the computer it is on has stayed in a
safe place OUTSIDE China. To get to OCT, I need to bring out TAILS, and then log into my computer very Remote Access. It take forever....it's slow...
The security camera keeping an eye on the old laptop:
View attachment 8519
(6) Now, how many windows are open below?
View attachment 8520
I have been logged into OCT since Sept. 30 2024. How the F*ck would I be able to log in with a new account? It wouldn't work!
Also, people complaining I couldn't send a direct message! No! I couldn't! It wouldn't let me and I am NOT going to troubleshoot a Western system from the claws of China. Here we use
There are 994 windows open back home You all think I am smart enough to know how to work with the functions of 994 different web and whatnot? I can't even remember what I had for breakfast yesterday!
You ALL know who did this! You are just having a hard time dealing with it. It is SHOCKING to me you all didn't figure out who did this with 5 seconds! @wellington should have figured it out because he "had it in with that guy, too."
(7) On just two phones, and only on TG, I have ALMOST 10000 (YES - TEN THOUSAND unread messages). How the f*ck would I get time to do more sh1t?
View attachment 8521
View attachment 8522
Where am I going to get time to run around the web debunking rumors?
Videos of the heavy-labor I have to do:
(8) I had to load all these into the containers by myself:
(9) I had to load all these onto the truck by myself:
(10) And here is the truck leaving with them:
Let's analyze this:
(A) If I was logged in all this time, how did I log in as a new account? I don't have OCT here. I NEVER EVER will. I want NO smoke with the Chinese. But why? If I was going after someone, who would it have been? Myself? I can commit suicide here so much easier and d1cking around with others.
(B) The ONLY person who figured this out is
How did you ALL miss this? Like WTF???
Poor Frankie....
Please don't project your character onto the rest of us. Maybe YOU can buy billions, but I was a kid then and all I can muster was a few grand! It was a little money. You make it sound like I purchased billions of BRK stocks when it was this:
View attachment 8523
It's NOT billions of dollars, but it makes for a comfortable living. If you can buy billions of dollars...more power to you! Enjoy it.
Also, it's f*cking cold AF:
View attachment 8524
I have to get back to work, so I will log out of my TAILS and Remote Access. Of course, my OCT will continue to be logged in. If anyone tells you another kakamania story, please... do NOT believe them.
Please don't get those "new mail-order brides maids" from you already know where.
- Instigator,
- Troublemaker
- Agitator
- Meddler
- Saboteur
- Toxic individual
- Gossipmonger
- Slanderer
- Malcontent
- Provocateur
- Chaos agent
- Defamer,
- Libeler,
- and malicious actor
got you ALL derailed from your life and projects by simply logging in with a new account, dropping a BS lie (nobody knows I use OCT, except other OCT members) and accomplished his goal!
If that daft disabled and displaced anencephalic can do this to a group of bright guys.... I don't know... you guys have scared the living bejesus out of me.