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What jurisdiction is a libertarian dream to invest in land / property and live in safety?


Member Plus
Nov 29, 2019
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What jurisdiction would fit the following criteria:
* Foreigners can own land outright
* Rule of law / stability / safety
* Neutral geopolitically
* No tax or very low tax for residents
* Few barriers to import stuff (if remote/island)
* (Bonus) Ability to use crypto to buy said land

The idea is to accumulate a lot of land for long term and possibly to retire there to live in peace without being harassed or taxed. Land either for own use, or agriculture, or possibly some RE development. Could be a Plan B if the world ends.

Anyone aware of any such places?
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Montenegro comes to my mind, I'm not sure with the crypto part but most of your other points would be full filmed there.
Crypto doesn't work there for RE purchases.
Rule of law and stability questionable. Can be dangerous if you're wealthy (and it's a small place where everyone talks to everyone)
Not tax free on a personal level, (indirect) taxes on corporate level growing.
Prospect of joining EU
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Malta is one of the closest in Europe.

No inheritance tax, no capital gains tax, in fact the only tax you pay is FLAT 5K EUR per year that only applies if you make more than 100K+ per year (and even this you are free to not pay and you will not be bothered).
No property tax, no estate taxes.
You are free to own and keep guns at home, even automatic rifles- some people even have AK47 at home. No open/concealed carry.
Rule of law is OK as long as you don't have a feud with a local.
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If such places exist, they soon change their rules once they become too well known.
So, even with money, where is the freedom?
being a perpetual traveller gets harder every year...
No place to be truly free?

I know some people who used to be big 20-30 years ago (low/middle level oligarch or capo), who bought amazing villas back when they were in their prime. Half don't live in those villas any more. The other half do, but have to kiss a*s of local bureaucrats and wine and dine disgusting politically connected tax lawyers to keep them happy and not lose their villas. and every year more of them do.....

That is not freedom.

So nowhere can you just live and be free on your own property?...
So, even with money, where is the freedom?
being a perpetual traveller gets harder every year...
how do you see this? I dont feel it getting harder, esp if you have more money. One can just get tired of it.
No place to be truly free?

I know some people who used to be big 20-30 years ago (low/middle level oligarch or capo), who bought amazing villas back when they were in their prime. Half don't live in those villas any more. The other half do, but have to kiss a*s of local bureaucrats and wine and dine disgusting politically connected tax lawyers to keep them happy and not lose their villas. and every year more of them do.....

That is not freedom.

So nowhere can you just live and be free on your own property?...
no, only in the afterlife, if youre lucky.
But I think there was some dispute among the founders, some people felt scammed, something like that.
I wonder why so many people tend to think that anachocapitalistic society would look like some kind of utopian world with smiles and sunshine where everybody is living in harmony

there would be disputes, conflicts, murderers, thieves, rapists and collectivists (these ones being probably most dangerous of all ;)) - the difference from current socialist heavens is that there would be way less negative things of this kind and way more efficient and faster solution of these pathological phenomena (not because they are somehow implicitly wrong but because people prefer to live without it and have the most efficient means to discriminate their initiators - true democracy)
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I think this Free Private Cities project is on a completely different level than project like Galt's Gulch.
They try to work with local government to create a free zone where they can implement their own laws.
But I'm still skeptical that those countries wouldn't just change their mind and try to take over with force. I doubt they would allow the free city to have their own military.
But I'm still skeptical that those countries wouldn't just change their mind and try to take over with force.
well this is true, the development in Prospera is a clear example - up and down with uncertainty
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