Money launderers are NOT competing with the businesses, i.e., incumbents, that institutional investors own. They are, in fact, providing much-needed products for the Coke Heads in the C Suite.
Some of us (or maybe all of us) are directly competing against the incumbents e.g. Eli Lilly
In fight against knockoff weight loss meds, Eli Lilly accuses sellers of 'deceptive' advertising
Who are the institutional investors of Lilly?
View attachment 7196
They are the institutional investors who also OWN most stocks in every MAJOR bank!
Here's a start to give you some propulsion to go down the rabbit hole.
We ARE competing with the incumbents trying to disrupt THEIR business, and they OWN the banks, so we are BIGGER enemies than money launderers and purveyors of "baby powder."

People do NOT seem to understand this!
You can find out more here too:
If you go down the rabbit hole, things get clearer (maybe not easier) but clearer. You can avoid LOTS of trouble and stepping on the toes of the gatekeepers. Solutions and strategies may be harder to find, but at least you won't get caught up in legal issues or investigations or accounts frozen.
PS. Shout out to
@JohnnyDoe for sending me down this rabbit hole! He was the first one (credible to me) who, in a terse manner, laid it out on the table! No sugar coating! This was my first wake-up call ->
Getting decline by EMI in the WorldCheck for having a Money laundering offence in the past