When you send a transaction to a node without matter the wallet you use, the node provider will know your IP, you address, your balances and the transactions. It's called public information for a reason... The only way public information is not known by others, is by not using blockchain in the first placeif you use Ledger Live for example, they will know your IP address, all your balances, all your crypto addresses, all your transactions among other things. They claim they don't keep logs on it which I find dubious given the value of such informations.
Same thing for Metamask and many others.

Now, if you mean they are honeypots because they save your addresses so they can show you stats and your overall balance I have bad news for you... 99% of wallets use RPC providers which all of them are also aggregators and by consequence they also save that information because is where those wallets take the information from.
Public information without PII is worthless btw