I was asking their support what they report in
crs. They said only the balance and tax id /name etc. But, when i asked them do they report all the income they replied SUPER unclear:
- if the concerned govt agency/inst contacts with the legal order to share the information about specific individual.
and the rest of discussion they just pointed out the aforementioned statement.
when I asked do you report it annually they say
- 'you are correct' or till we get contRacted by the govt agency.
When I asked was that reported before it became a
Revolut bank (from revlut payments uab)?
- Nothing has changed for your account, (i.e. what I understood - we reported before as well)
When I asked how will you report my income if I deposited my money before you became a Bank?
- Nothing has changed for your account. (the same yes)
now I see in my statement that before merge I had one account, after merge another account. That means that i will have two incomes,

i.e. I deposited 3000 eur to account A, then it was moved to account B, so in total i will be reported as 3000+3000 euros. That is perfect!
Also, there was one person, that person shared their CRS report from N24 bank to their tax office in Belgium, so it states end year balance only and the INTEREST. (if any). no any other income numbers.
And that was the only proof I have ever seen. Also, revolut states that they report end-year balance only.
And a super interesting question what is the top line when income you may receive to your account can become a question from concerned authorities? is it 1k or 10k or 100k?
I just wonder if it makes a sense in general to report income. it can be so that you transfer funds from one your account to another your account and then back - so just moving one K a day between your own accounts will generate a report of 365k x 2 income. that makes no sense.
If you go deep into the details of
OECD specification it says that for depository accounts they report interest rate only. (besides end year balance)