We've corresponded earlier this year
@Gediminas and we arranged a consultancy conversation time over Zoom but you didn't join the call at our appointed time.
For background and to warn everyone...
1. I have a US LLC banking using
Mercury which is owned by a
BVI Company. I'm the UBO in this structure.
2. I onboarded the BVI Company at
Bankera earlier this year using Business+ / 450€ for the privilege
1-2 times per month, we remit from the US LLC Mercury account to the BVI Company Bankera account. This NEVER goes without delay/problems. For the first few transfers, we pre-warned Bankera sending the Mercury remittance advices. This was routing USD through Bankera's USD correspondent FreemarketFX. We would typically have to chase for the USD sum to be credited to our Bankera business account (USD). Then, there was a 1-2 day delay for USD to EUR conversion within Bankera. To then transfer from business EUR to personal EUR in Bankera was another 1-2 days. There was never any certainty about processing times and balances would disappear between accounts.
Around 6-8 weeks ago, their inbound USD correspondent changed to Clearbank who I believe are the virtual bank/IBAN issuer that Bankera sits on top of using the Clearbank API. One specifies UAB Pervesk as the recipient.
In September we made our first USD inbound payment from Mercury to Bankera. This was flagged by Mercury's correspondent. Once supporting documentation was provided, Bankera then asked for an invoice (for our inter-company transfer). We provided this. Ultimately the funds landed and we could enjoy another 4-5 day delay for intra-Bankera USD->EUR and EUR/Business to EUR/Personal transfers.
On 19 October I repeated the same transaction route. I pre-warned Bankera with the remittance advice and an inter-company invoice.
They responded asking 'why does your BVI company not have a website'. I explained that as detailed through the 3 months of onboarding info which they already have, that it is a holding company not an operating company.
I sent a message to their support on 24 October. No reply.
I checked with Mercury to see if it had been held up in their correspondent's compliance. It has not. I have a copy of the MT103.
I reached out to our Bankera Business Relationship Manager on 25 October. They told me they'd been replaced.
I reached out to their replacement. They have advised we are shortly being issued with a vIBAN for SWIFT transfers. It's very unclear from their reply whether this can be used for USD or only EUR transfers. He also advised that our transfer from 19 October has been cancelled and is being returned.
It's still not at the originating bank. His response after a couple of days is that 'the process might take some time'.
Meanwhile, daily messages via the Bankera support portal remain unanswered. Emails to
payments@bankera.com remain unanswered. Contact via LinkedIn to co-founder
Vytautas Karalevičius and Head of Compliance Gerli Viks remain unanswered.
Other observations....
- a SEPA payment made a couple of days ago to the business account to ensure that the 50€ monthly fee is covered credited same day.
- Bankera tagline: "Banks complicate things, we don't"
For non-SEPA, this organisation is a ****ing joke. Always the same interrogation. "Prove to us you are not a money launderer even after 3+ months of onboarding
due diligence and the same transfer methods every month".
I am presuming they have lost/stolen the funds of this transfer. Why? Because they are not replying to me. This is an absolute nightmare organisation.
@Gediminas - you mention on here frequently that you know people at Bankera, they're working hard, trying hard, etc. Meanwhile, when we engaged initially via email and ended up scheduling a consulting call, you didn't keep the appointment.
There is nothing happening around Bankera or its associates that gives me ANY confidence in this being a reliable or robust organisation. I have likely p*ssed away the funds from this transfer, the onboarding fee and the monthly fees paid so far. I'd love to be proven wrong.
Reputation takes a lifetime to build and a moment to destroy. I don't see how Bankera can regain any trust from my side.