Why buy and not rent? I see re as a liability unless it produces some income (rental/airbnb/etc) and if you live there only 1 month of the year then its kinda useless.
Well in fact I always rent everything. If you buy, that's something that gives you some ties to a place. Having said that, having at least one proprietary house is a good practice, since I will end up without a pension, but I'm going to inherit one, and in case I will sell that one and buy another one
You can rent cars through your company, same with fancy houses, pay for meals, etc.
What you need is a travel blog.
The Hacienda or any other Fiscal Authority is not made of idiots: They will go to the company and dig who's behind it and if the travel blog makes any money. And if you start faking things, you start getting into criminal offence, so you start risking jail time. Especially in your home country, if they put eyes on you. My advice, stay away from luxury in Europe, if you want luxury, Dubai is the place where you get it, because nobody will double check
True but long term Dubai kinda sucks imo. For a few months of the year is fire I'll give you that.
Being a '
perpetual traveler' can be done and you dont have to move constantly but every few months. Some locations are very easy to work with, while others are less so.
Don't buy ****, rent it.
Its a somewhat solitary life I'll give you that.
I currently live 4 months in Ibiza, 3 in Dubai, 3 in my home country and the rest depending on the year, usually France, Switzerland and
Greece. so yes you don't need to change every two weeks, and as long as you lay low in the place where you risk most ( in my case it's my own country and
spain ) not much can happen, you just have to respect the rules. But I am over 40, I've been doing this for 10 years, I'm sure I don't want family or kids, and if I ever wanted to settle down somewhere I would get 2 or 3 tax certificates in Dubai to be on the safe side and have clean money. But younger, more normal people, those who want a family and kids, need to be aware that at some point perpetual travelling becomes impossible. And you must think well about that point, because if you re-enter your home country with a lot of money, controls will be made. Remember that if you are not tax resident anywhere, you are technically speaking tax resident in your home country, so never go back there.