ttina went to jail in 2014 for Passport fraud. Her and a collegue where involved in some shady stuff. She is back at it again selling her services but she is dodgey as ....
The health check is not a real health check jaja. You do not need to go to a doctor and get a report etc etc. HIV test,, no way. Never
If tou open a full
bank account. You can transfer a million or a trillion dollars a month into PY. It just depends on the account tyoe when you applied and opened.
I transfer 10's of thousands a month. Hundreds of thouasand of dollars some weeks. Into PY from overseas.
Banking is great here if you opening the right accounts. Just normal accounts actually. Not these limited ones that most expats seem to open. Itau, gnb and atlas are all fine
No worries. Just get the PY pr. Then apply for the passport oneday. PY will not tell your home counry you have it. Never. You will be fine. I know a few peopple in the same boat.
You do need Cedula to abtain drivers licence and motorbike licence. But you do not need to sit a test. Just pay the fixer or lawyer money, provide a photo via email or chat. And it will be delivered to you in 24hrs. That easy with my fixers. I just paid $250usd and got both the deivers and moto and didnt even have to leave my hotel.
And my fixers or should i say
immigration comp ay i went through provided a tax/rental lease contract for me. So i have an address now. I just asked for wverything i wanted. They did it. Not sure if it was hard worl or if there was much footwork. I just went on dates and went to restaurants and they kept bringing me documents to sign and gave me all my paperwork when they completed the tasks for me. They basically relocated me here and made me a tax resident. 3 years later they are doing my
Citizenship application. And i havnt even been in the country at all. Except to fly back and "sit the citizenship test" lol. That was easy

If you go through a company like i did with a team of amazing lawyers. Everything is possible in PY. Everything. And all so easy. There is no law in that country. The law is in place to enforce the bribes and thats it
You dont have to come every 3 years at all. That is a load of bull dust. And you dont even need to go to PY every 10 to renew the Cedula. Just pay your lawyer to donit in your absense. So easy