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Crypto cedefi platform and token

No: The basket is built to follow a crypto market index

No: The basket is built to follow a crypto market index
And consequently the token itself can be used as a proxy to invest in the entire market without too much hassle (index investing). Which means that it has a double function and a real value.
Plus, token holders could receive a share of the profits generated from lending…
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Like this idea a lot, would this be some sort of ETF made out of cryptos which you can autobuy? Represented by a tradeable token, correct?

I very much like the first bit, as it could even be integrated into an EMI of some sorts.
Overall very sound plan, very interested :).
Like this idea a lot, would this be some sort of ETF made out of cryptos which you can autobuy? Represented by a tradeable token, correct?

I very much like the first bit, as it could even be integrated into an EMI of some sorts.
Overall very sound plan, very interested :).
You got it thu&¤#
PM if you want to discuss more details
The idea is to build an aggregator of defi products to maximize APY on deposits that are used to collateralize a coin based on a basket of cryptos.
BTW you will need team like 100+ people play with that and security challenge people who were playing with that got from ICO many millions. Project that makes something like that is is balancer.fi
https://app.balancer.fi/#/then something probably easier that is working but build on centralized exchanges is iconomi

there is crypto copy trading something that you mentioned like index but on steroids fun fact is that
Those companies got many many millions of $$ funding to be prepared starting this business.
Start with something small easy then expand that most people do that iconomi eg. started like litle euro-BTC exchange. Then they started ICO and after getting like 5-10m$ funding now they are alive.
Cheaper will be "fork" something like balancer and do like: Beethovenx
Just fork balancer like bethovenX call is "casino royale" and go. of course you can aim higher.
Good luck.
Anyone wants to start a business in this sector? I have know how and unique product to sell but no time for another business so I will be your silent partner in this.
Can you PM me have quite some good verticals on this
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