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Talking bitcoin suisse, what's up with them?

I wonder what people have to say about bitcoin suisse ?

All information about crypto exchanges I can find here are mainly kraken, binance, coinbase and FTX3 - the bitcoin suisse claim to hold 5 billion in crypto assets for their clients but no talk?
They are quite popular why are you think opposite may be because of this
1) It is very Hard to open account with them as non EU
2)High account minimum required
3) They want quality not quantity, customer wise
why would you do that ?
They have a stick up their a*s for no apparent reasons (finma seems to share my opinion).. and their support has become robotish.

Seba and sygnum, specially sygnum is top notch (they have a banking licence with finma in switzerland and are regulated my MAS in singapore) plus they have MASSIVE liquidity and great lombard loans with custom prices. and the icing on the cake? they accept classic offshore jurisidction, but you need a high turnover.
They have a stick up their a*s for no apparent reasons (finma seems to share my opinion).. and their support has become robotish.

Seba and sygnum, specially sygnum is top notch (they have a banking licence with finma in switzerland and are regulated my MAS in singapore) plus they have MASSIVE liquidity and great lombard loans with custom prices. and the icing on the cake? they accept classic offshore jurisidction, but you need a high turnover.
right...can't get bank license from FINMA and changed their CEO...
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right...can't get bank license from FINMA and changed their CEO...
Yep, plus shady operation all around. (there is a reason on why FINMA didn't grant them the license) and Just because they are headquarted in switzerland. it doesn't mean they are good.

subpar service all aound, and again, nothing notworthy when compared to competitors like seba or sygnum.
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Thank you, I'm sure they will get the license very soon. this guy is building a big multimillion castle in Zug, that will bring the license on the table I'm sure :)
Quality over quantity is their unspoken motto. My brother has an account with them and I got rejected but he always was the better one.
What quality? how are they any better, than the more reputable, more regulated sygnum or SEBA?

You now all the shitty stereotypes that the swiss have? they are like that, but 10x worse.

I don't know why they are like that, kraken, and all other major exchanges and OTC desks that i've dealt with are nothing like them, it's the first time of my life that I felt like yeah, maybe they are just s**t.
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What quality? how are they any better, than the more reputable, more regulated sygnum or SEBA?

You now all the shitty stereotypes that the swiss have? they are like that, but 10x worse.

I don't know why they are like that, kraken, and all other major exchanges and OTC desks that i've dealt with are nothing like them, it's the first time of my life that I felt like yeah, maybe they are just s**t.
Quality as in wealth. If you're anything less than a millionaire their service will be worse than that of a 2 star hotel in Ulaanbaatar.
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Quality as in wealth. If you're anything less than a millionaire their service will be worse than that of a 2 star hotel in Ulaanbaatar.
I literally was willing to deposit 1.8 mil with them, and the money was coming from regulated exchanges such as Kraken and gemini and they requested a s**t load of documents, and I provided them. but they still refused based on "internal policy" and "compliance" bla bla bla. just collecting my fucking data for god knows why, and wasting my time for nothing.

if anything, sygnum should be more strict, but surprisingly they were more accommodating to my needs and were willing to work with me and my complicated structures.

but whatever, if it works for you/your brother, then that's what matters.
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Quality as in wealth. If you're anything less than a millionaire their service will be worse than that of a 2 star hotel in Ulaanbaatar.
Not sure what other “service” you could need from an exchange in addition to exchanging crypto/fiat.
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