@Martin Everson My goodness, you really know your staff. Do you offer services regarding offshore to people with cases like mine?
Could you also share your thoughts on what I found on the web, please?
Monaco tax: tax certificate
"In practice, the tax authorities usually determine an individual’s residence for tax purposes by examining their
bank account statements. The method used is as follows: a debit transaction in a State implies a day spent in that country."
"In practice,
the proof of residence that must be provided to obtain this certificate of residence for tax purposes
deserves special attention, especially if you have a secondary residence in a neighbouring town.
In the case mentioned just above, we note that the Monegasque Administration generally wishes to obtain additional documents
to ensure that the applicant's actual residence is not located in a neighbouring town.
In such a situation, the Administration have requested documents such as electricity bills for a dwelling designated as a secondary residence by the applicants, or bank statements from the applicants."
I do not get how seeing bills for the secondary residence in neighbouring town would help them establish that your residence is not there but in Monaco.
In other words, will renting in Monaco + owning just outside Monaco + doing your daily shopping and spending in Monaco work?