man you are one annoying stubborn m*********r ain't ya? the same BS, the same conspiracy nonsense, the same s**t that you keep pulling out of your a*s and keep spitting over and over again, don't you get tired of this BS? what in the actual f**k are you doing here? go back to fb or whatever BS cave forum you crawled from.
Holy s**t man, you can't escape these fucking idiots wherever you go, but what do i know? yeah the 5g lizard people are planting microchips inside humanoid brains and are controlling the masses using gay AIs to surveil them, and you can't escape because everything is broken and already known by big powerful lizard people and the sheeps are too stupid to realize that, yeah man thank you
@369 for humbling and enlighten us sheeps with your top secret, classified holy info, thank you bro. +1 follow from me

You know i'm tired of dumb idiots who doesn't know how the internet works but claim others are wrong when they should clearly know they have no technical clue how the internet works.
I gave already so many hints out so anybody who would invest 30 minutes of his time would get the answer.
I don't provide value to leechers anymore.
It always amazes me how people claim something is conspiracy because they have no real knowledge on that topic.
You know internet is no magic thing.It is build and there exist documentation.
I highly doubt any of them above had even a 5 minute look on it.
However when i claim there is something between sender and receiver which is able to analyze your small traffic packages even should you send it encrypted and creates for every person a profil i'm the insane guy even my claim are based on documentations and real world experience.
You know i learned nearly 10 years ago where at that time i still had hope for
everyone that majority of people are dumb and unable to understand more detailed and complex explanation/facts/reality.
It's a fact i had to learn and accept myself which changed my view on society.
Even when accepting your BELIVE that i'm wrong you and the people above will never know it and you know why ?Because you guys are unable to make a proper deeper research.
You guys are so much conditioned you don't even release it how dumb and ignorant you are.
I gave you headers like "full spectrum dominance"
the location of the attack
and many other hints
and you still call it conspiracy.
But would anybody of you dumb people only invest 3 minutes in google search you would know that Full Spectrum Dominance is a US National Doctrine in the New Global Security Environment and would you dig a bit deeper you would see what they already installed and what their goal is.
It wouldn't take much to not be dumb but hey writing without spending time on a topic i have no clue about is easier right ?
Sorry like i said i came to the conclusion 10 years ago that dumb and lazy people will keep dumb and lazy and it won't change no matter how much effort someone invests.
Like Claus Schwab said ....let the dumb eliminate themself.
Tragic but true and nobody being able to stop it.