Because of a lot of factors:
1. foreigners are only allowed to purchase certain properties in
Malaysia under one million RM in most of the major malay states and in some areas this number could be 2 or even 3 million RM. that means that most of your clients would be other foreigners, because there is no way a local would buy a property like that, unless he is a high earner and if that was the case, he would almost always get a better deal for less price.
2. A lot of MM2H clients were purchasing properties from developers even before the properties went under construction or even built yet like a lot of projects in Forest City in Johor for example, that's how much the program was successful and it shows you the faith that investors had in the program (that's tested and works) and now the government changed the requirements, and a lot of these people would consider canceling their contracts and looking for other options.
3. the real estate market in Malaysia fell rapidly (Sources:
2) for lots of reasons (Covid, closed borders, suspension of mm2h...etc) and a lot of projects are in limbo (be ready to hear about ghost towns/cities in Malaysia soon), not only that, the number of MM2H applicants were only 50k and not all of them purchase properties, and the people that do buy properties already did (at least a lot of them did), so the government don't do themselves any favor when they make the requirements that strict/hard, because this will sway away a lot of potential applicants, and will make existing MM2H visa holders (like myself) prepare for the future and consider other options.
There are lots of other reasons, but all of these negative news, will make the prices of real estates drop, and I'm having none of that, so I will sell for now, and I'm sure other well too. but I'm an opportunist in nature and If I found a good deal and I know that the government will backtrack on this BS, I will buy again from people who want out, I can always buy again, but It will be hard to sell for a good price if this news continue.
not this "guru" again, this guy have no clue about what he is talking about, he says lots of buzzwords and has no working solutions. He cry every now and then about a bank that closed his accounts or a client that do this and that. That's it. and don't let me get started on his nonsense about his "deals" and his "Swimming pool" businesses lol.
I don't want to label him as a scam or fraud, because he simply could be an introducer to legit service providers, but he is just like that, a middleman that charges a lot of money for absolutely nothing and for things that you can absolutely do by working with these providers directly.
His opinions in Malaysia (like the people, the culture..etc) are ok, but I won't listen to him regarding any deals, properties or not, this guys sells a service and he wants people to come and buy properties so he can make more money off of his clients.
hell, I own a property in Malaysia and it will be great for me if a lot of people came to Malaysia to purchase properties because the prices will rise, and I could tell you to come and invest because a lot of people will be selling and it will be a great opportunity to buy amongst this fear and yada yada yada, but I don't want people to take these risks while living under a government that can change their policies in a whim. if it's a risk that you are willing to take, then sure do whatever you like, but if not, stay away from this mess - for now at least.