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Dubai , a dangerous Sh..hole …

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I dont believe him, court ordered 230 K EUR fine just for a verbal accusation??? Doesn't add up. He probably tried to play tricks on the investor and now is getting what he deserves. bad poeple are usually good at pretending victims
Yeah, UAE authorities aren't strangers to dumb rules/laws, but this case is just weird, why fining him 230k? and over what? and why he waited 10 months to talk to the media? why his friends didn't talk to his consulate? his story doesn't add up.
Everyone in Dubai is because of tax. Take it off, everybody would leave.
Living in Sharia law this is the price you pay being UAE resident.
Ok, most of people have residence, but don't live in UAE for same reasons.
For most people UAE works very well as tax residence, but personally me as European I would not live in UAE. You just don't know what to expect from these people. Also, you are pretty closed there, like in an Island and your movement in/out country are strictly monitored.
There are other options being tax free, but most of them are way more expensive than UAE residence.
the answer is straight. just be smart. Every country has it's fair share of problems, specially the US, it's the pinnacle of shitholery with gucci manhole covers.
we hear about police shooting/school shooting every other day in the US. 1 in every 5 woman in the United States experienced completed or attempted r*pe during their lifetime. cat calling too is a big problem. what about "put your hands on your steering wheel, give my your id, don't move, get out, HANDS WHERE I CAN SEE THEM, back out, Get down, on your knees, dance around" and all the random BS that the US cops gave to you, and this s**t happen with Americans citizens. so you can imagine what could happen to foreigners, and don't let me start with the fucking TSA agents, with their shitty laws, and random screening, and their "TSA approved" suitcases. Absolute dipshits.

and yet people still go

UAE, is pretty much bin zayed playground, laws means nothing here if he doesn't like it, he can change them overnight if he wants too, he can do whatever the f he wants, as long he doesn't step on the shoes of his western buddies. The same goes with bin rashed.

UAE is just banking/tax residency jurisdiction as you said, yeah it's safe, yeah crime is non existent, but it's just soulless, and if you step on the wrong shoes, you will get fucked. same with any gulf country,

and yet people still go

bottomline: be smart, don't get yourself in troubles with locals, if they piss you off, f**k them up but in a smart way, you are in their country, so don't cover yourself in s**t and then ask why the room smells.
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If you are caught with police as an expat it's a no win scenario for you. It's the same in every country. As for Sharia, as a man I find this much preferable to Western family courts. Before going to any country it's best to look at risk vs reward and decide, no country is perfect.
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Every country has it's fair share of problems, specially the US, it's the pinnacle of shitholery with gucci manhole covers.
we hear about police shooting/school shooting every other day in the US. 1 in every 5 woman in the United States experienced completed or attempted r*pe during their lifetime. cat calling too is a big problem. what about "put your hands on your steering wheel, give my your id, don't move, get out, HANDS WHERE I CAN SEE THEM, back out, Get down, on your knees, dance around" and all the random BS that the US cops gave to you, and this s**t happen with Americans citizens. so you can imagine what could happen to foreigners
It is utterly ridiculous to compare the UAE, which is basically just a an city sitting in the middle of the dessert, to the fourth largest country in the world -- where you can easily avoid all the ills that you described by simply living in the 99% of the land mass not comprised of liberal-run large cities with all their urban problems.

And foreigners are treated just as well as Americans in the legal system, especially illegal aliens.

The U.S. has plenty of problems, but none of what you cited is common. In fact, I have never experienced any of it.
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It is utterly ridiculous to compare the UAE, which is basically just a an city sitting in the middle of the dessert, to the fourth largest country in the world -- where you can easily avoid all the ills that you described by simply living in the 99% of the land mass not comprised of liberal-run large cities with all their urban problems.
why not? "UAE bad" "US good" is not really an argument either. every country has it's fair share of s**t, i've lived in these countries, I speak 5 languages, and I understand their s**t. I travel to the the US a lot, but holy s**t the airports there, specially LAX is absolute s**t, TSA agents are the most entitled people on earth, I just hate them, no other airport/country have this shitty attitude but only in the US. their abuse cases (including sexual assaults) are pretty well documented, look here :1, 2, 3. and guess what? a federal court ruled that TSA agents can't be sued lol, so much for the land of the free and human rights.

Also Crime is rampant, (and in that case, you're right, it's not fair to compare the US with its high crime rate to the UAE, where crime is non existent) stats are there, denying them won't solve the problems, go and argue with them and tell them that they are fake news lol.

and no "lib cities" are not the only problem, yeah San Francisco is filled with s**t, literally, but "conservative cities" too have their share fair of problems, I don't wanna go at 3 pm to the supermarket, and find a guy open carrying a rifle, and think to my self "man, Is this guy exercising his first amendment right, or am I gonna be a victim of another mass shooting, or this is just a guy with a tiny weiny?" I'm not in Somalia, so, no, thank you.

And foreigners are treated just as well as Americans in the legal system, especially illegal aliens.
illegal aliens??? mate, no way you really said that, you're trolling right?. lol. let's see what forign policy magazine has to say about this: The United States Treats Migrants Worse Than Prisoners of War , ok fake news, what about Washington post: Treating immigrants like criminals has a long history in the United States , also fake news, so what about children cages?, fake news too.

And for matters that concerns this forum, what about FATCA? what about that the US taxes your worldwide income no matter where you live? to the point that every 1 in 5 American expat are considering renouncing his citizenship because of taxes.

what about foreign banks? the guardian says: banks tell US customers they won't work with Americans, so you want to tell me that the US made other countries/banks hate to deal with Americans? no way, it's probably fake news, because how in the land of the free, people are not that free.
The U.S. has plenty of problems, but none of what you cited is common. In fact, I have never experienced any of it.
the same could be said about the UAE or any other country really.

also, just because you didn't experience it, it doesn't mean that it didn't happen to any body else, that's a false equivalence.

So please don't appropriate my (and other people) shitty experience in the US, yeah other countries stink too, the US is not the only one that have that, but their s**t still stink.

that doesn't mean that the US doesn't have good things, I still bank and invest there. However, I'm aware of the muddy waters, and I don't pretend that it's rainbows and butterflies.
why not? "UAE bad" "US good" is not really an argument either. every country has it's fair share of s**t, i've lived in these countries, I speak 5 languages, and I understand their s**t. I travel to the the US a lot, but holy s**t the airports there, specially LAX is absolute s**t, TSA agents are the most entitled people on earth, I just hate them, no other airport/country have this shitty attitude but only in the US. their abuse cases (including sexual assaults) are pretty well documented, look here :1, 2, 3. and guess what? a federal court ruled that TSA agents can't be sued lol, so much for the land of the free and human rights.

Also Crime is rampant, (and in that case, you're right, it's not fair to compare the US with its high crime rate to the UAE, where crime is non existent) stats are there, denying them won't solve the problems, go and argue with them and tell them that they are fake news lol.

and no "lib cities" are not the only problem, yeah San Francisco is filled with s**t, literally, but "conservative cities" too have their share fair of problems, I don't wanna go at 3 pm to the supermarket, and find a guy open carrying a rifle, and think to my self "man, Is this guy exercising his first amendment right, or am I gonna be a victim of another mass shooting, or this is just a guy with a tiny weiny?" I'm not in Somalia, so, no, thank you.

illegal aliens??? mate, no way you really said that, you're trolling right?. lol. let's see what forign policy magazine has to say about this: The United States Treats Migrants Worse Than Prisoners of War , ok fake news, what about Washington post: Treating immigrants like criminals has a long history in the United States , also fake news, so what about children cages?, fake news too.

And for matters that concerns this forum, what about FATCA? what about that the US taxes your worldwide income no matter where you live? to the point that every 1 in 5 American expat are considering renouncing his citizenship because of taxes.

what about foreign banks? the guardian says: banks tell US customers they won't work with Americans, so you want to tell me that the US made other countries/banks hate to deal with Americans? no way, it's probably fake news, because how in the land of the free, people are not that free.

the same could be said about the UAE or any other country really.

also, just because you didn't experience it, it doesn't mean that it didn't happen to any body else, that's a false equivalence.

So please don't appropriate my (and other people) shitty experience in the US, yeah other countries stink too, the US is not the only one that have that, but their s**t still stink.

that doesn't mean that the US doesn't have good things, I still bank and invest there. However, I'm aware of the muddy waters, and I don't pretend that it's rainbows and butterflies.
I lived 20 years in a highly conservative area and dont think I ever saw someone once open carrying in a supermarket lol I'm sure 100% there were concealed carry in probably every single place I went into though never bothered me. I always get a kick out of how the rest the world interprets guns compared to an American. If I saw someone open carrying in a super market even after 20 years it hardly register to me. It's like when I'd go to a friends house and their was a AR-15 sitting on the counter in the other room I would hardly notice it, yet to a European and others this is a big event. It's the 2nd amendment by the way not the 1st that pertains to gun rights lol.

Sure we imprison illegals but what are we suppose to do with them put them up in the nearest Hilton and make sure they get a complimentary room upgrade until their dumpster country gets around to taking them back which they take forever on. smi(&%

Crime is a issue mostly in big cities, the issue you have toward conservative communities is more or less your personally uncomfortable around firearms. Most the shootings are happening in cities with strict gun control ironically.

US FATCA and taxation indeed sucks its why im gonna most likely be renouncing in two years here but besides that I cant find too many complaints about America. Metropolitan areas are over ran by liberal idiots so I just wouldn't live in em. 99% of problems solved right there.
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Sure we imprison illegals but what are we suppose to do with them put them up in the nearest Hilton and make sure they get a complimentary room upgrade until their dumpster country gets around to taking them back which they take forever on. smi(&%
That is what I meant when I said that "And foreigners are treated just as well as Americans in the legal system, especially illegal aliens." When an American commits a crime, he is fined or jailed. When an illegal immigrant commits a crime by entering the country illegally, he is released into the U.S. -- never to be seen again by the legal system.

That is why illegal immigration is now out-of-control under the socialist Biden Administration. Under President Trump, an illegal immigrant might pay up to $8,000 to a smuggler and if caught he was deported and lost the benefit of his money. Under Biden, an illegal immigrant is released into the U.S. So, caught or not caught, he gets his money's worth and enters the U.S. illegally. No wonder there is chaos at the southern border.
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That is what I meant when I said that "And foreigners are treated just as well as Americans in the legal system, especially illegal aliens." When an American commits a crime, he is fined or jailed. When an illegal immigrant commits a crime by entering the country illegally, he is released into the U.S. -- never to be seen again by the legal system.

That is why illegal immigration is now out-of-control under the socialist Biden Administration. Under President Trump, an illegal immigrant might pay up to $8,000 to a smuggler and if caught he was deported and lost the benefit of his money. Under Biden, an illegal immigrant is released into the U.S. So, caught or not caught, he gets his money's worth and enters the U.S. illegally. No wonder there is chaos at the southern border.
Add on the fact when an American commits a crime he is fined or jailed to a very severe extent. I see European prison sentences in the news I can’t help but laugh because American criminals would be jumping for joy at the sentences in the EU. Middle East and Asia are even more extreme granted in punishment.

Releasing the illegals into the US via giving them immigration court dates which of course not a single one of them in their right mind is gonna actually show up to, so they just disappear into the US.

if you wanted to be conspiratorial you could say their doing this with the intent of later passing laws with “pathways to citizenship” as they have talked about before when relating to immigration issues politically. They could also just hope they’ll vote illegally since Dems are so opposed to voter ID laws under the guise of “racism” yet basically every other first world democracy requires some form of ID to vote.

This all gets very wacky conspiracy for me though to say oh ya this is 100% what’s happening. It very well could just be total incompetence. The American left wing is inept about governing and come up with genius policies like defund the police... then wonder why the US cities look like a war zone. I would not he shocked if their just stupid enough to think releasing them into the states and telling them to show up to court on their own accord is a good idea.
Man, I’ll live in UAE just to not have all those f***ing homo flags around me...
The western world has gotten a bit to weird for me too lol. Pride flags are only the beginning of the madness give it 5 years it’s gonna be truly truly odd. It’s already getting very weird, they make a new gender every week.
The western world has gotten a bit to weird for me too lol. Pride flags are only the beginning of the madness give it 5 years it’s gonna be truly truly odd. It’s already getting very weird, they make a new gender every week.
Welcome to Clown World.


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Add on the fact when an American commits a crime he is fined or jailed to a very severe extent. I see European prison sentences in the news I can’t help but laugh because American criminals would be jumping for joy at the sentences in the EU. Middle East and Asia are even more extreme granted in punishment.

Releasing the illegals into the US via giving them immigration court dates which of course not a single one of them in their right mind is gonna actually show up to, so they just disappear into the US.

if you wanted to be conspiratorial you could say their doing this with the intent of later passing laws with “pathways to citizenship” as they have talked about before when relating to immigration issues politically. They could also just hope they’ll vote illegally since Dems are so opposed to voter ID laws under the guise of “racism” yet basically every other first world democracy requires some form of ID to vote.

This all gets very wacky conspiracy for me though to say oh ya this is 100% what’s happening. It very well could just be total incompetence. The American left wing is inept about governing and come up with genius policies like defund the police... then wonder why the US cities look like a war zone. I would not he shocked if their just stupid enough to think releasing them into the states and telling them to show up to court on their own accord is a good idea.

I think they're cynical at the very top, with a vast army of true believer useful idiot managerial types underneath.
The western world has gotten a bit to weird for me too lol. Pride flags are only the beginning of the madness give it 5 years it’s gonna be truly truly odd. It’s already getting very weird, they make a new gender every week.
West is ruled not anymore by democracy but just plain idiocracy. I can’t wait to see when gender theory will be finally taught in a French kindergarten plenty of Islamic kids, that will be funny as f***.
So much s**t has been said. Some people simply don't know how to go around in this world and end up in deep s**t.

I'm still a fan of Dubai and love the place as long as they stick to their tax scheme as it is of today.
Living in Sharia law this is the price you pay being UAE resident.

UAE is the most pseudo sharia law country , they allow foreign women to wear almost nothing and they try to cooperate with western standards and life style . the regime give blind eye to many activities that break the basics of sharia law :D

i bet the issues has to do politics and the respect owed to locals as other types of freedom are okay . i sense regret in your post probably you stayed there long but was not confident about the move .i knew few romanians went to other rich arab state just to hustle for opportunity but didn't like it however that isn't enough for them to leave . why complain nobody asked them to stay .
How much of this story say will really affect someone going through the whole company formation in the freezone and residency? And just using Dubai as a tax free zone? Minimal local interaction apart from bank staff say? Could they screw you to such an extend?
0.000001% chance , and only if you are playing game with law.
UAE tolerance level for nonsense is quite low.


"the number of UAE citizens is around 11.5% and the remaining 88.5% made up of Expatriate workers."

Emirati are most civilian people on earth . Humble and down to earth. Every country has good and bad. Just be careful.
Chance of meeting UAE local quite low. As They are few. 100 out of 10.
So called horror stories are sometime half truth .

Sometime this policy bite them .

Although they are very good at PR. But in some case they do not care what "dailymail" written whether it is truth or half truth.
So many crooks and shady people playing victim card when they caught red handed in Dubai. Even in their home country if they do such things they also put in trouble or go to jail.

Do not believe anyone. Come visit Dubai and experience yourself and then decide.
Most people without visiting Dubai have wrong impression about the Dubai.
So many people change their mind after experiencing themselves.

end of the day It is personal choice, Someone like apple and someone like orange. It is subjective.

If you want to do things peaceful, respect the local law and keep your political opinion to yourself. It is heaven for you.
When you are planning something "nonsense",
Their threshold is quite low when you are playing with law. for them It is far beyond that they can not tolerate even the smallest and the tiniest amount of "nonsense"
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