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Wyoming, Delaware or New Mexico, please tell me what's your choice?

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guess it requires a good lawyer to deal with the setup!
So, if I have this correct:

Once bank account is sorted, draft a resolution (internal to the LLC) to transfer the ownership of the LLC to a separate WY LLC for charging order protection? I think it's the operating agreement that would be updated.

One thing with the WY LLC is the "lifetime nominee" stuff, which could add an interesting angle.
If I could just add a note, for anyone considering NM don't bother IMHO. I've had people think it's in Mexico itself, and other institutes not willing to deal. From my own dealings, NM LLC seems to be the bargain basement of LLCs and not well liked.

NM, WY, NV LLCs are all pretty much bargain basement LLCs because of the low cost, easy setup and anonymity.
DE is more expensive and it tends to weed out the riff-raff. smi(&%
But you will find that some institutions might not deal with DE LLCs too.

If you care about prestige you can setup your WY or NM LLC with a business address in NYC or LA.
How likely are these states to share information with EU?

Would these be good jurisdictions for EU persons?

And can US companies (Wyoming, Delaware, New Mexico) open accounts in non-US countries (Swiss accounts, Singapore accounts, etc...)?

As of next year, you will have to declare to Fincen the beneficial owner of your entity. If a foreign tax authority is asking the US about who owns that entity (for any justifiable reason) they will surely transmit that information under international cooperation agreement. But at this time there is no indication that the whole database will be shared, only on a case by case basis.
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As of next year, you will have to declare to Fincen the beneficial owner of your entity. If a foreign tax authority is asking the US about who owns that entity (for any justifiable reason) they will surely transmit that information under international cooperation agreement. But at this time there is no indication that the whole database will be shared, only on a case by case basis.
What is there is no UBO that is a natural person, for example if two corporate entities cross own each other? Examples: USA LLC's, UK LLP's, or if they are owned by an offshore entity that doesn't disclose / exchange data?

I would have though that the USA business owner / small business person would be not happy with this. For example, reading one of the (many) property owner forums, alot choose WY LLC's (in the state) so as that they don't get bothered / stalked by their occupiers.
What is there is no UBO that is a natural person, for example if two corporate entities cross own each other? Examples: USA LLC's, UK LLP's, or if they are owned by an offshore entity that doesn't disclose / exchange data?

I would have though that the USA business owner / small business person would be not happy with this. For example, reading one of the (many) property owner forums, alot choose WY LLC's (in the state) so as that they don't get bothered / stalked by their occupiers.
You will have to provide the name of natural person as final beneficial owner with a copy of valid ID document. This database is not supposed to be made public (at this time) and the anonymity of the owner will still be preserved. However law enforcement and IRS will have access to it if needed.
When you obtain an EIN you are already mandated to provide a natural person information already.
As of next year, you will have to declare to Fincen the beneficial owner of your entity. If a foreign tax authority is asking the US about who owns that entity (for any justifiable reason) they will surely transmit that information under international cooperation agreement. But at this time there is no indication that the whole database will be shared, only on a case by case basis.
Thanks, what if they don't ask?

Would US transfer this info on their own?
non-resident owned US LLC is one of the easiest and cheapest one to manage and if is combined with the correct residence then I could say is the best budget one for simple business (around $700 per year). I think that If you are going to spam all the forum with your poland options at least you should not tell others "facts" that are not 100% true.
May I ask what would be the correct residence?
Has anyone here ever considered a Florida LLC? From what I've read they don't offer any anonimity but besides that it is almost the same as others. Don't know if it helps but it is easier for me to travel do Florida to open a bank account there. The lack of anonimity may also help for opening a bank account. My purposeis only getting access to the stock market.

By the way, can anyone explain this? In TD Ameritrade website it says that Wyoming requires 2 or more members in a LLC to open an account there. If I open a disregaded Wyoming LLC can't I open broker accounts?

Can someone confirm that a Wyoming and Delaware company can open a Wise account?
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