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How to get residency of other EU country+do they check crypto money origin? (poker player)


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May 25, 2021
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Hello everyone.
I am professional poker player from Croatia and poker is taxed here.
Is it possible that I can obtain residency of other country where poker is not taxable?
As I am informed some of those poker non taxable countries are Slovenia and Ireland in EU, UK too. Maybe some other countries too but not sure.

There is other option that I convert my money to crypto and then cashout( I keep my money just on e-wallets now) to my Croatian bank and pay 10% taxes what is not the best option but still ok.
With that option I am scared that it will raise some alarms to tax administration after I start doing that over and over again and they could dive deeper to see where does that money really come from.

Any advice is welcome.
As a Croatian you should be able to freely move to Ireland or Slovenia. Usually with employment it’s pretty straightforward. If you are self employed maybe you will have to show that you have sufficient resources and sickness insurance to ensure that you do not become a burden on the social services of the host state. But every EU state can be different so better check. U.K. is outside of the EU now so not sure how their new immigration system works in practice.
As a Croatian you should be able to freely move to Ireland or Slovenia. Usually with employment it’s pretty straightforward. If you are self employed maybe you will have to show that you have sufficient resources and sickness insurance to ensure that you do not become a burden on the social services of the host state. But every EU state can be different so better check. U.K. is outside of the EU now so not sure how their new immigration system works in practice.
No, Croatia is planned to enter Schengen in 2024.
Schengen is border free travel and irrelevant here.

When Croatia joined the EU, each EU country could, for some years, restrict Croatian nationals from moving to their country.
Croatia could do the same for EU nationals moving to Croatia. So for example from 2015 restrictions were removed and Croatian nationals could now work without work permits in Belgium, Cyprus, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Luxembourg and Spain.

Ireland never had any restrictions and Slovenia seems to have had restrictions. So OP is free to move to Ireland as a Croatian EU citizen. Slovenia should be checked if anything changed in 2021. Eventually all such restrictions will be phased out.
As a poker player I don't have any self employed documents or anything like that. I can show that I have sufficent resources but that's all. I think they look me as I am unemployed in croatian government documents.
And other thing is that I don't want to move to those countries,I just want to obtain residency documents.
I don't have problem going there to do paperwork and staying short time but is it going to be possible to obtain residency documents as an"unemployed" and without a plan to stay longterm in those countries?
It’s going to be difficult because most EU countries want you to contribute some tax in return for access to their health system as well as access to other benefits (unemployment, child payments ect). They are open to EU citizens who are employed, self employed, retired ect. Probably each of them has different rules for people of „independent means“ but maybe you can fall under some type of retiree category.
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