Why is everybody hating the US so much, haha?! They singlehandedly restartet the whole economy after WWII. All the wealth we have is based on their half egoistic, half altruistic decision to become the reserve currency. Being the reserve currency comes with a lot of power but also with a lot of problems (Triffin Paradox). Don't underestimate the US. They brought down Japan and all other economies which threatened their place as the number 1 economy. With
China it's a different game and China is a lot stronger than the others but the US is holding the most of the Aces in their arm pits right now. China is nothing without the Dollar. They are not lending out RMB, they are lending out USD, because the borrowers can't buy anything with RMB, right? Right now the US didn't lost anything and China didn't win yet, too. The game is still open and the US is in a slight advantage. Everybody who really worked with China and chinese companies noticed that there is still a big gap when it comes to business communication, quality and trustworthiness. China is not as pictured in the media. Since decades it's always the same, every media in Europe is yelling out the fall of the US, but still most of technology, most of the big 10 companies, most of the unicorn startups and whatsoever comes from??? U.S.A.! Everybody remembered 2008 when the USA was bankrupt in the European media? Boom, much bigger growth than Europe. And soon everybody will remeber Covid, when everybody laughed about the US how stupid they are and how they crashed their economy. Boom, already starting to grow again while the arrogant europeans are still in ashes. Always the same game guys, always. The FED is smarter than you think and they consist out of private banks which are highly incentivized to keep the USD the reserve currency. Their best guys are working on the money system and they have much more insights and powers than every other central bank in the world, by far! It's not run by politicians with some financial degree like the central banks in Europe or China. The FED is literally run by the banks themselves. The FED has no problems making decisions which seem bad for the US in short term, but good for keeping the USD the most powerfull currency in the longterm. The people's bank of china however has a big reputation problem if they make a decision which obviously hurts China in short term even if it would be good for China in longterm.
Banking and payment infrastructure will definitely be a big game changer, but the final outcome is yet to be determined. It will be interesting and I hope that the competition will pave the way for new loopholes and incentives to bring money to either some west or east jurisdictions. We will see. Right now the US has the best incentives, but we will see what the future will bring

. In case someone is interested, I have a small explanation about the triffin paradox regarding the offshore system on my page when you scroll down to "A few words about the US". If someone likes it I can open a new thread to discuss a little bit about the triffin paradox, as I think this is the main economic law running the offshore system right now.