Still looking for the convenient way to transfer funds from Transferwise to crypto/binance. Any help appreciated. Withdrawing amounts around 35k euro per month.
Wirex currently has no IBAN deposit options. Debit card topups still working however not sure if it is safe for my TW account. Other EMI's tends to panic and lock accounts.
Not to much feedback regarding Swissquote either.
Even sending to high street bank (LLoyds tsb) and withdrawing in large amounts will raise security lock please call us and approve payment. Stupid questions about previous address 15 years ago and hours on phone
Wirex currently has no IBAN deposit options. Debit card topups still working however not sure if it is safe for my TW account. Other EMI's tends to panic and lock accounts.
Not to much feedback regarding Swissquote either.
Even sending to high street bank (LLoyds tsb) and withdrawing in large amounts will raise security lock please call us and approve payment. Stupid questions about previous address 15 years ago and hours on phone