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Crypto to FIAT - ATM card

Using advcash for long time, no problems at all, they are stable and can be recommended. My wirex account was blocked after two withdrawals from ATM. Support writes back very slowly and according to one pattern. I still don't know why they blocked my account.
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Adv replied to my email as well as wirex that they don't report anything unless they have a court order .
If you have btc in your wallet and want money out of atm adv cast is by far the best.

You can send btc to adv and withdraw 2500€ per day. With total of 80k per year . If you want more then you need to send proof of wealth..

Wirex had personal iban which can come in handy but have 400€ daily atm limit if I'm not mistaken.

In short adv cash is best to send btc and withdraw money on atm.
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Depends on client's country.
For Russians they send a card issued by Russian bank
I've got few advcash acconts, everyone verified with EU citizien, both time I received plastic from Canadian Bank, anyway it's acceptable everywhere.
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