The bank will disappear as it will be cut off from Fedwire and all correspondence banks and card providers ditch them sooner or later. Your probably days away from an implosion of the bank sadly if not a run on it.
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The nation’s peak criminal intelligence agency, the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission, has listed Euro Pacific as an Australian Priority Organisation Target. This designates it as one of the most serious criminal threats to the nation’s security.
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Whose going to do business with them after that? Even worse the bank was subject to ransom attack which they never disclosed to
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The bank's security was also a problem. Anderson’s computer was hacked three times over a two-year period, Ogilvie says, and at one point, Russians tried to extort the bank for a ransom of 1000 bitcoins, worth millions of dollars. Ogilvie says customers from Australia and elsewhere seeking to keep their bank accounts secret were instead at risk of having their financial affairs floating around the dark web.
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The bank is a shell banking operation in Puerto Rico like I thought

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The bank’s new office is on the 10th floor of a blue-glass block that overlooks the North Atlantic Ocean. It’s in the expensive part of San Juan. But former employees speaking on the condition anonymity say the office was a bit like the bank itself. “An empty shell that has the appearance of luxury,” according to one Puerto Rican who worked there. “It was basically empty except for a few desks, chairs and the computers.”
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Basically this bank was worse then I thought. It had Russian cyber criminals wanted by FBI, drug dealers and scammers in addition to tax evaders. Well I can't act surprised as that was their core client base. Even referral agent said in 60 minute video he sent
high risk clients to

I think everyone who is a customer needs to worry about the below
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According to a source with involvement in the overseas operations of the tax probe, a leak of the account details of thousands of Euro Pacific customers opened up lines of inquiry. Once the J5 had the information, customer names were matched against criminal databases held by police and tax agencies around the globe, along with income tax declarations.
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The bank is finished after it loses all partners. Expect their SWIFT code to be blacklisted by banks. Good luck sending out wires from EPB without receiving bank causing you problems once news spreads. Tax authorities will start investigating all wires from and too that SWIFT code I am sure.