Some of them offer a debit card which you can use at any ATM around the Globe, with 4000 EUR / month it should fill the gab for you.
At the airport take the red exit and tell them "I don't know the rules of your country! So I took the red exit to be safe!".
Usually they just ask you for drugs or if you want to leave any expensive goods in the country.
For example, if you bring some brand new mobile phones or laptops.
I cannot remember they've ever asked me for money at the red gate.
Can Wirex exchange these currencies to FIAT directly or do you need to exchange them for instant to BTC and then to FIAT?There are now a lot more serious stablecoins as well as platforms where you actually get a good rate available, I'll be placing some savings in DAI, USDC, USDT and others - easy to access and move around at short notice, funneling it out via Wirex if say stuff like buying a ticket for flying is necessary.
how much do you pay for flytickets? they must be cheap if it's cheaper then 3%?Electronifying cash currently costs me 0.1% (up to 50k/yr). I would already have problems swallowing 1% fees for going through cryptos. 3% is out of question. I'd rather fly once again then.
What if you can get them oney into a country where you don't have a bank account but where CASH is still king and you can buy everything with cool cash? that would change the situation I htink?!is flying to a country where you don't have a bank account
3% is 300€ on 10k€, 600€ on 20k. Yeah, i pay less than 300 in round trip tickets.
Maybe worth, but if really unlimited within EU, well, then problem solved. Not sure why customs were harassing me a year or two ago asking for cash on intra-EU flights. Perhaps rules changed.Your time is worth nothing?
Whats the worse that can happen if you get stopped with 50k eur in cash? If you have receipt from bank
Found this page: Customs Cash Limits: How Much Cash Can You Carry On A Plane
Edit: turns out it might be true: Who needs to declare? - Taxation and Customs Union - European Commission
- Eu - USA and orther devellopped countries it is 100% Legal to leave you country A with 50 or 100 ke so far you declare.Whats the worse that can happen if you get stopped with 50k eur in cash? If you have receipt from bank
Some infos there are not up to date or 100% accurate for some countries.
Some countries have no cash limit on Import or Export !!!!!
- Eu - USA and orther devellopped countries it is 100% Legal to leave you country A with 50 or 100 ke so far you declare.
No bad happening : you respect the rules => declaring + origin of funds + destination of funds (most customs forms ask for : what is the purpose or destination of funds => what will you do in country B with the cash).
It is purely a declaration information, not a condition.
If a little bit anxious or parano :
Set up good logical reason / story in accordance with you and the circunstances of your life, evntualy connexions, projects , affinity with Country B.
Customs don't judge the reason you Export cash. They want you to comply the declaring procedure.
If they are suspiscious and try to dig => You, your wife, kid always stick to the same version even if the story is strange, but must remain in accordance with your life.
Some Airlines companies had set up 10ke cash limit to fly with them.
@erni : very truth what you wrote. Cash is King in so many countries. Billion of people don't hold 1 bank account : to expansive, they can't afford it.
In some countries it is even possible to buy real estate 100% cash bank notes in front of the Notaris !