UK companies have public register of name and address. If similar businesses have been threatened previously you may not want that to be public. I don't know what needs to be done for the merchant account used to give up your details as there is
privacy in laws for UK, but I don't imagine it is difficult for international corporations with billions in turnover and lawyers on tap to go through that process (although maybe I am wrong here)
Ok got it, tbh UK plays by DMCA most people do (even if not required by law), and so theyll follow most privacy/cease desist letter with any authority im sure.
I know there are DMCA ignored servers (top of my head i forget but they are searchable), but DMCA ignored merchant accounts of course not since they play by Visa/MC. Only people i know bypassing the merchant account (and therefore staying anonymous) are using stealth paypals. Issue being you may have to create a lot, as you may only want to run 1-2k month on each one to keep them under the radar.
[/QUOTE]Sure you can ignore a C&D. If they have just emailed it to you under the business name. Many people get a bit freaked out if is address to their actual name with their address listed threatening future court orders from facebook's lawyers if they don't stop trading, transfer customer lists and do everything they demand. Many businesses have closed down for less in the facebook / instagram space in the last few years.[/QUOTE]
True, i was more referring to as mentioned, 1) you live in a place that those laws dont apply or 2) you do cease and desist, and then start up again elsewhere under new alias/names etc
Of course, the ease of this is helped if ou are a smaller company. Restarting and transferring old customers at10k/month is easy, 100k/month youll lose business and be restarting.
[/QUOTE]Not with the main processors (stripe / paypal / 2cho). Anything that mentions social media they will just say "no". I've had some projects that are not anything todo with fake followers / likes but was related to social media sites and was refused. Sure you can get around it. But trying to legitamise your site by saying "growing social media accounts", I don't think will cut it.[/QUOTE]
Correct. Stripe etc wont play or will sut you down 10 days later.
[/QUOTE]sure that is always a possibility, to just "not worry about it". If you live in the arse end of Morroco it probably is a decent enough strategy, but that is not everyone. Assuming they opened the
UK company and merchant account with their actual details, they have address / passport / ID details. IF you have $100 in your bank they are not going to be interested if you are doing $1000 sales a month, but when start hitting $10k, $50k and getting bigger. After having ignored their C&D and they decide to go after you. Sure it might not happen to you, but it has to others. The time to think about this and mitigate it is now, not once you have grown and bringing in decent revenues and already getting attention from facebook lawyers.[/QUOTE]
Also nothing to argue on that point.
[/QUOTE]Sorry I wasn't clear. I was only referring to the major US players, stripe / paypal et al. Of course there are outfits who don't care, but as OP said, they get terrible success rates and are not working well for OP
Ok yes almost all US accounts will not play with this unless they are lying. I just spoke to about this and a few other things as I sometimes call other brokers to just see whats going on.
I mentioned organic growth vs fake, he agreed all fake is a no go. He also agreed most "organic" is just fake and mis named so US banks wont touch it. Some organic growers are real, and use jarvee, mother/child f/uf, shoutouts, etc. (not to debate if those work anymore just to show what i mean by growth services)
Those would only be doable out of the US afaik.