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Is keeping money in CHF a good idea? (alternative to USD)

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did you ever visit countries like Mauritius, South Africa, India, Malaysia, even Cuba ;-) - anything that has value and keeps the countries function was brought by the colonizers (British, French, Dutch, Germans)

I have visited all those countries actually. Maybe you should study history for example for India. The British de-industrialised India and set it backwards. India made up around 19% of global GDP before the British colonized and deindustralised India for its own gain. They destroyed everything from local textile factories onwards. They only built India's extensive rail network to move goods from inland to ports for export to UK. They only educated the people serve their agenda of control. I can go on for days. Seek the truth always.

Economic Deindustrialisation of India - Wikipedia

"It is true the sun never set on the British Empire, because even God didn't trust them in the dark" - Dr Shashi Tharoor
I have visited all those countries actually. Maybe you should study history for example for India. The British de-industrialised India and set it backwards. India made up around 19% of global GDP before the British colonized and deindustralised India for its own gain. They destroyed everything from local textile factories onwards. They only built India's extensive rail network to move goods from inland to ports for export to UK. They only educated the people serve their agenda of control. I can go on for days. Seek the truth always.

Economic Deindustrialisation of India - Wikipedia

"It is true the sun never set on the British Empire, because even God didn't trust them in the dark" - Dr Shashi Tharoor
India is generally an epic filthy shithole on its own.. Even my indian friend living there would confirm that.
India is generally an epic filthy shithole on its own.. Even my indian friend living there would confirm that.

Don't worry I can confirm also they need to sort out toilet situation or at least use them and work on hygiene.
One day it will all make sense. We are discovering more and more about our past each day. The key to our future comes from the past once you understand time ;)
I totally agree, COVID-19 is a window that opened from the past.
India is generally an epic filthy shithole on its own.. Even my indian friend living there would confirm that.
don't comes to me as a suprise :D
Ok but Switzerland will have no choice but to devalue its currency drastically if EU collapses...lol. Switzerland will need to protect its economy and prevent exports from drying up overnight if E collapses. You see 51% of Swiss exports go to Europe. Switzerland would become noncompetitive and when governments become non-competitive....they devalue their currency....ask China about that.
Of course, they will devaluate. Switzerland is not a "financial institution", like Luxembourg, they have an industry to protect. They will do this by printing money. The difference is that the Swiss central bank is a private enterprise and they will probably use the printed money to buy EUR and USD instead of buying debt and then use the newly aquired money to buy cheap stocks. So, basically they get a lot of free money to buy cheap stocks. This is exacly what they did during the last financial crisis, and one of the advantages of having a rock solid currency.
So you want to say they were so advanced that allowed themselves to be colonised by primitive plebs as you paint them? Dont tell me they were so weak, peaceful or naive to just let that happen while having all this knowledge and tech you described lol. They should have used their plasma guns and flesh eating nano bots to eradicate colonists then.

The extinction of a civilization does not necessarily have a relation to the knowledge acquired at the moment and which we do not have today, like for example also the Mayans.

The Mayans who nevertheless had a knowledge superior to the remains of other civilizations did not resist to various factors like the Tolteque warriors. It is always easier to destroy than to create.
Of course, they will devaluate. Switzerland is not a "financial institution", like Luxembourg, they have an industry to protect. They will do this by printing money. The difference is that the Swiss central bank is a private enterprise and they will probably use the printed money to buy EUR and USD instead of buying debt and then use the newly aquired money to buy cheap stocks. So, basically they get a lot of free money to buy cheap stocks. This is exacly what they did during the last financial crisis, and one of the advantages of having a rock solid currency.
Wouldn't they be risking to make a lot wealthy people disappointed in their jurisdiction? If Swiss ruins their CHF, I bet they would stop being counted as safe heaven hence it would probably be treated like any other European country more or less.
The extinction of a civilization does not necessarily have a relation to the knowledge acquired at the moment and which we do not have today, like for example also the Mayans.

The Mayans who nevertheless had a knowledge superior to the remains of other civilizations did not resist to various factors like the Tolteque warriors. It is always easier to destroy than to create.
Well if you compare some tribal nation that is still using stick and stones, they would never be able to conquer an advanced civilization who have guns and atomic bombs no matter how much they try lol. Unless we are talking about Africa and EU though :D
Please explain which eurozone countries will leave? Leave too what also? The UK still had its own currency so could make a break. Eurozone countries are trapped by Euro currency debt and ECB control of their banks. They could not make a clean break if they wanted too. Lets keep to reality and not media fake news about EU breakup.

I will take that risk over holding digital bitcoin and cash that will become obsolete long term....lol thu&¤#

Egyptians intelligence and technology exceeded ours even today but in a smarter way. We still do not understand how they built the Pyramids. They understood the planet, solar system very well without the equipment we use today to do so - so who is smarter?

Robots will not last 80-100 years even let alone 4000+ years if they created one. So I repeat for long term, land, gold and art. No digital stuff.

Do you include real estate - apartments etc - as "land" ?
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Wouldn't they be risking to make a lot wealthy people disappointed in their jurisdiction? If Swiss ruins their CHF, I bet they would stop being counted as safe heaven hence it would probably be treated like any other European country more or less.
When you discuss currencies it is always a realtive game. How valuble is the CHF compared to the EUR. If the ECB prints a lot of money (which they will), the Swiss Central Bank will follow just to keep the value of the CHF compared to the EUR around where it is today. But, since the Swiss - unlike the ECB - does not need the money, the money will be used for ivestments.

If Switzerland had been like Luxembourg, you would probably be right. But in Switzerland wealthy people owns local industries, like Nestle, watch manufactures, etc. These industries will get crushed if the CHF gains a lot of value compared to the EUR.
Do you include real estate - apartments etc - as "land" ?

Yes, however freehold apartments only not leasehold. The land underneath the apartment often forms the most expense part of any real estate in major cities. So if the land or share of land underneath the apartment is included in the purchase then again - yes.
Hi, I think that in hyperinflation contexte, swizerland would not run after parity, but rather take advantages of a strong money which would compensate drawbacks like loss of competitivity. They will fully play their old role of financial oasis
Hi, I think that in hyperinflation contexte, swizerland would not run after parity, but rather take advantages of a strong money which would compensate drawbacks like loss of competitivity.

No they won't. Why did they have peg in first place? :rolleyes:

They will fully play their old role of financial oasis

No they won't. They have a white (clean) money policy since years now.
well, it's pretty easy... they are not the same Egyptians
I'm too lazy to google for references but I read studies of DNA of ancient Egyptian kings showing that their origin is from Asia (Persia if I remember correctly) and Tutankhamun was "coming" from Causasus

Arabic culture was later destroyed by Islam
Please do show us this "study" I'm for a good laugh.
did you ever visit countries like Mauritius, South Africa, India, Malaysia, even Cuba ;-) - anything that has value and keeps the countries function was brought by the colonizers (British, French, Dutch, Germans)
Given that only Dutch and Germans continue to have functioning countries from your list, I highly doubt it comes from the older colonizers who destroyed everything.

When Apartheid ended SA never even had the Internet in the 1990s until they got the old colonizers out of power , Malaysia has undergone far more growth in the last 40 years than they did under the long period of colonialism.

Usually the most developed countries in the developing world are the ones who managed to evade being colonized by euro destroyers too intensely. Lebanon and Syria along with Libya had the highest levels of European colonialism in the near east and they are now the poo holes of the middle east, with the ones like Dubai and Saudi with the most development having the least Euro influence. We see the same thing in Asia (Japan largely not colonized), southern china same thing and even in latin America.

Puerto Rico is still colonized by the anglos and it is bankrupt, so much for this idea of benevolent colonizers.
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OMG this is a funny thread :D;):cool:. It started out with Swiss franc, and continued via Egyptian & Mayan civilizations, plasma guns, particle accelerators etc. to Indians swimming in a river of s**t. Since the tread is already ruined, please accept my two points for further ruination:

1) As to the U.S. losing wars, the reason is, the West no longer fights like before. The Huns (re: Attila the Hun) began losing ground when they civilized to a point where they no longer killed their enemies' women and children. Nowadays U.S. operations are all about "nation building", dropping food from the sky to hungry civilians, CIMIC, employing locals etc. If they only did brutal, indiscriminate killing, forcing civilians to escape a sure death, they would win every war - including Afghanistan. Russia wins its wars with sheer, criminal brutality. I am not advocating this, just observing.

As a thought experiment, think what would happen if Taleban suddenly managed to land a huge army to to the U.S. soil? Would they care if they killed, raped, tortured infidel civilians? Hell no, they would enjoy it. They would replace the local population with their own, behead men, rape women, burn the churches. We can see from numerous examples, such as the city formerly called Constantinople, that Muslims do their colonialism in a way that gives long-lasting results. Western countries have had another strategy, and it is not working. Re: Algeria, Morocco, Rhodesia (Zimbabwe), South Africa, Haiti etc. etc.

2) As to the Swiss Franc being somehow safer than other currencies, please see the attached picture from Dec. 21st, 2017.


  • CHF.webp
    76.6 KB · Views: 192
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2) As to the Swiss Franc being somehow safer than other currencies, please see the attached picture from Dec. 21st, 2017.

I totally forgot about that smi(&%

This thread is bat sh*t crazy but I love it...lol

"They say one man can't change the world until he eats a half cooked bat" ca#"!
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