With EU banks and one EU clearing house via sponsorship.
Not at all I hope all these EU banks crash it will just drive up the value of my assets

. In EU, custodied (
investment portfolio) assets not issued by the custodying bank and held by that bank are ring fenced. Meaning they cannot be used in a bail-in event like deposit accounts and other assets. They cannot even form part of any
bankruptcy proceedings of the bank. Your assets remain protected regardless of what happens to the bank including protection against any bail-in. It is one of the reasons I recommend it and one of the reasons people have run to put money into AAA treasury bonds to eliminate the counter-party risk of leaving money on a deposit account with only 100k deposit protection. It's a small price to pay to pick i.e a German - 2.5% 4 Jan 2021 bond knowing it yields currently circa -0.735%. Think of that loss as an insurance policy premium for 1 year guaranteed protection of your assets. The ring fencing is explained by some banks to clients such as DB (see page 2 below under "How could I be affected?")
So if I keep 1,000,000 euros on a EU deposit account and the bank collapses I get only 100k back and lose 900k

. However if I instead bought the AAA rated 2.5% 4 Jan 2021 German government bond and the bank collapses I get back 992,650 euros (i.e 1,000,000 minus the -0.735% negative interest rate). So would you rather lose 7,350 euros in a year or risk potentially losing 900,000 euros? That's the price of insurance effectively and the decision is much easier if you have 100,000,000 in cash in a bank and risk losing 99,900,000 if bank folds

. If you are a
millionaire or a business this is exactly what they have done for years driving treasury yields negative due to demand for this practice or parking money in treasuries. This is what warren buffet does in US with sticking Berkshires circa $160bn cash pile into US Treasuries (sorry I don't know much about ring fence laws in US but assume they will be similar to EU) and this is what people do EU side who have money. No one should keep cash on an account who has more than 100k and I strongly advise against it.
See my above answer. I hope it answers your questions.
I discussed the subject back in 2018 and my strategy and stance has not changed one bit and have been proved correct (see below thread). Custody accounts are outside the scope of the EU Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive (BRRD) so are protected from any bail-in or
bankruptcy with minor exceptions i.e cost of bankruptcy proceedings by administrator can be taken from client assets in exceptional circumstances.