We should start talking about advertising with attention. Guarantee of success of your advertising product it is a hundreds pairs of eyes and ears, chained and absorbing information about it. But this attention you must win, leading the rough and difficult battle for the right to be seen and noticed in the flow of information. You should plan your advertising product such way that not only some details will be taken note, but each of them riveted attention.
So, where do I start? First of all, any advertisement need a hero. The ideal candidate for the main role - a woman. That's how the world, man turns his eyes to a woman, and if she is attractive at the same time he delay their attention as much as possible. Do not pass by such a heroine and another woman, but on another score: to assess and compare with herself. Next who is attract attention are children, pets, and how the men takes a back seat.
Another good old method is a personal appeal. Imagine that you are going through a huge avenue, around you there are dozens of people. Will you stay, if you hear a shout of "hey"? And if someone would shout: "please wait" or “you, wait»? Compare the two advertising slogan: "The software of Andersen company promotes your business" and "Get software company Andersen and your business will not know equal”. Because of abundance of the information we have learned not to pay attention to the treatment of the first type, while the second slogans provoke us to action as it makes us believe that success of our business depends on it. You should beware of being too directive and unceremonious as it may be interpreted by the client as the psychological pressure.
Well, actually ... your product. His model should be displayed in advertisements as not only good, but perfect, rich of attractive qualities. These features should be strongly pronounced. So, if you advertise soap, it should not just exude a light veil, it should have great smelling.
So, with these light tricks you can make a thumbnail sketch of your advertising. Further is for details.
And what secrets do you use in advertisement?
So, where do I start? First of all, any advertisement need a hero. The ideal candidate for the main role - a woman. That's how the world, man turns his eyes to a woman, and if she is attractive at the same time he delay their attention as much as possible. Do not pass by such a heroine and another woman, but on another score: to assess and compare with herself. Next who is attract attention are children, pets, and how the men takes a back seat.
Another good old method is a personal appeal. Imagine that you are going through a huge avenue, around you there are dozens of people. Will you stay, if you hear a shout of "hey"? And if someone would shout: "please wait" or “you, wait»? Compare the two advertising slogan: "The software of Andersen company promotes your business" and "Get software company Andersen and your business will not know equal”. Because of abundance of the information we have learned not to pay attention to the treatment of the first type, while the second slogans provoke us to action as it makes us believe that success of our business depends on it. You should beware of being too directive and unceremonious as it may be interpreted by the client as the psychological pressure.
Well, actually ... your product. His model should be displayed in advertisements as not only good, but perfect, rich of attractive qualities. These features should be strongly pronounced. So, if you advertise soap, it should not just exude a light veil, it should have great smelling.
So, with these light tricks you can make a thumbnail sketch of your advertising. Further is for details.
And what secrets do you use in advertisement?