WY LLC disclosing Beneficial Owner information?

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I think that since I made it, this post saved a lot of anxious off-shore people life from getting exposed
Maybe I'm mistaken but I doubt. Not against libertarianism though structure and regulations should exist.

Puzzled by people craving for doing everything in shadows but not wanting to pay for it and looking for cheap and dirty solutions.

If you incorporate through an Agent, you can avoid it. Attached two example of how to do it and how to not do it.

Guido Möller was not that smart and his name is there, while 307 only has his registered agent there.

Registered agent may be organizer or incorporator and will be signed as such on Articles/Certificate of Formation/Incorporation.

How can I make sure the agent will sign it on my behalf?

by asking him. They wont / cant file in your name.

But, annual report - beside other filings - requires that authorized person signs it. I do not consider that a practice where imaginary persons from Registered Agents Inc, Resident Agents Inc and other similar shady US providers should sign any official document that is filed with any government level - perjury at best.

I do not understand what is the purpose of not signing annual report where UBO must be declared to FinCen (BOIR) and FI (corporate bank account opening) and responsible person to IRS (SS4/EIN, 8832, 1120 and similar forms).

What's the purpose of those pseudo-anonymous and pseudo-private filings signed by unknown person with nominal - but not true - function of assistant secretary or whatever else - when personal information is already enabled to wide array of operators (Banks/EMIs, FinCen, IRS, insurance agents etc.) with higher risk for malicious and accidental public dissemination then commercial registry entity's history. Those operators have comparatively more personal information then extract from commercial registry with person's signature.

Filings should always be performed thru proxy with proper PoA. Of those registered agents that accept to sign filings on behalf of authorized persons thru PoA are CSC (Corporation service company) and Harbor Compliance, to the best of my knowledge. Using attorney may be expensive, but it guarantees an attorney-client privilege beside the privacy and anonymity.
to not have your name open for every joe and jane to see for free on a website.
Reactions: ilke
Yeah but I don't think it's worth worrying about annual return as these are not accessible in public by searching your LLC in the secretary of state website. The problem was just related to the annual franchise tax document that is publicly accessible and it's possible to download it and see who signed it. That's it.

Annual report is not immediately accessible, but you may request and obtain it for a fee from majority of states.

Depending on state, franchise tax is paid with annual report submission.

Just drop your real info right here then to follow up on this.

I pointed out to the lack of purpose for certain pseudo-anonymity and pseudo-privacy practices. Obviously, my understanding and approach and yours differ greatly. Not interested for apologetical discussions. I asked the questions in good faith but got comments - not answers.

FinCen BOI is voluntary per court ruling

Currently, CTA enforcement is stayed with preliminary injunction. It's neither final decision about meritum nor the only one, but is contradictory. This matter will probably go to SCOTUS as the federal courts have different rullings and in neither case appelate courts decided.
did you find a way to avoid your name there? you must have filed the annual report now.