Worldfirst review. Ongoing.


Pro Member
May 7, 2022
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Registered for an account a couple of weeks back (?) and so far I've had 5 incoming transfers, all of which are under review. List of documents that they have asked for so far are:

1. Invoice.
2. Trade certificate (whatever this is).
3. Proof of delivery for whatever company is selling.
4. Website or platform from which the services were sold.

They told me it takes up to 24 hours for the review, but it's been a lot longer than that and my money is "under review". This after I sent them every single possible document I could think of. 3 of those transfers are from different companies and 2 from 1 personal bank account. They have no limits for incoming/outgoing but I don't think there's much room here to do as you please and the reason for that is this shitty review system of theirs.

They do not reply to emails and the account manager who's supposed to be helping me will reply once every 24 hours if they feel like doing so.

I will update this topic as everything unfolds in the coming days but so far, I do not recommend using Worldfirst. Account is registered for a UK company.
Really a valuable information, thanks for sharing!
They told me it takes up to 24 hours for the review, but it's been a lot longer than that and my money is "under review".
May I ask, what do mean by “a lot longer”?
3 of those transfers are from different companies and 2 from 1 personal bank account.
Would you mind sharing the senders territory / the jurisdiction of? Even roughly, like EEA, Africa, Middle East...
this shitty review system of theirs.

They do not reply to emails and the account manager who's supposed to be helping me will reply once every 24 hours if they feel like doing so.

Well, I can understand asking for invoice, trade certificate, proof of delivery for whatever company is selling and website or platform from which the services were sold – altough I consider it to be an overkill altogether; but let's assume that it's for the beginning, to do more KYC, say (it happens sometimes so – how deeply they wondered about your business when onboarding?).
But this negligence is bad.

I will update this topic as everything unfolds in the coming days
It will be much appreciated.
Reactions: diatessaron
May I ask, what do mean by “a lot longer”?
9 days today, as someone who needs to be moving funds constantly through this account 9 days is a long time.

Would you mind sharing the senders territory / the jurisdiction of? Even roughly, like EEA, Africa, Middle East...
In this case all payments were made from an Australian bank account.

I don't mind sending all those docs, problem I have is with them not reviewing what I'm sending, and on top of that, not replying to any emails. When registering they didn't ask for anything extra, they didn't go crazy on me so to say, company is fairly new, incorporated less than 6 months ago.

Thanks for the questions, they help make a better review, I'll get back to this with more info once they decide to wake up and go to work.
Reactions: Forester
9 days today, as someone who needs to be moving funds constantly through this account 9 days is a long time.
Of course. 9 days for this is bad.
In this case all payments were made from an Australian bank account.
In such a case they are behaving really weird, IMO – unless you are in some really susipicious business (and I guess you are not).
I don't mind sending all those docs, problem I have is with them not reviewing what I'm sending, and on top of that, not replying to any emails.
When registering they didn't ask for anything extra, they didn't go crazy on me so to say, company is fairly new, incorporated less than 6 months ago.
They are crazy now
I'll get back to this with more info once they decide to wake up and go to work.
It will be appreciated
Thank you for the review

I guess there will be no future for this bank

Since 2022 and banks became this way almost 70% of banks and 90% of EMIs

AML is about restricting new rich from bieng rich

They want all people just employees for the current old rich people

This will lead people to Crypto until they find away to restrict it
Reactions: diatessaron
In such a case they are behaving really weird, IMO – unless you are in some really susipicious business (and I guess you are not).
Not suspicious at all, don't want to mention it here but what this company does it completely legit and the last type of business they should cause trouble to. I haven't received an answer from them yet and I got a bunch of money "under review" in there.
Really bad.
Reactions: diatessaron
AML is about restricting new rich from bieng rich

They want all people just employees for the current old rich people
Very perceptive of you! Good to see others are also figuring things out.

From what I've seen online Worldfirst's service went into the drain once Ant Group bought them.
This! Once Jack Ma got on stage on October 24th, 2020, and criticized we all know was OVER for the ANT Group and anyone or anything related to the ANT Group!

Source: Timeline: Key events behind suspension of Ant Group's $37 billion IPO

Jack Ma should have read this: How to Make Enemies and Alienate Everyone.
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Reactions: diatessaron
View attachment 5341

Logged into the account every single day. Never got an email from them, or the department which handles customers complaints.
I'll add what I know from experience...

I know most here think I am pro-China, but in actuality, I am pro me, pro Jafo! Also, I'm NOT against anyone. I find it too destructive of a feeling. Having said that....

This type of "logic" (the above screenshot) is so prevalent in the East it's scary. I had to take classes in language & CULTURE to not get confused! Notice I did NOT say understand. I said, "Not get confused."

My guess here is as good as yours. This happens regularly to me on most Chinese financial apps. I tried asking, but I only got stares or "Yes"
Their Support button doesn't work and when it does it sends me to a fully chinese page with no option to change the language at all. It's whatever, I'm gonna have to call them and explain what's up even tho it's them who should be doing that. So far, I do not recommend them to anyone.
Reactions: jafo
Account was closed today for an undisclosed reason. All pending payments were sent back to my clients, total damage: 5 figures. To anyone reading this topic. Stay far away from Worldfirst, they are the worst EMI I have personally dealt with in the last 11 years.
Reactions: jafo
Which country are you from and which residency do you have with them?

What I've been told by my suppliers and friends in China: A lot of Asian platforms are getting rid of Westerners from their platforms, sadly! I have a supplier whose daughter works at Tencent. If anyone here uses WeChat, you are then familiar that WeChat forces (especially) Westerners to be "approved" by a Chinese living in China. The person approving you can only do so once every 6 months.

According to my sources, they are risk averse (to the West).

Just reporting...Don't kill the messenger
Company is registered in the UK. UK director. If this company was a human being it would be a fat kid sitting at the park licking a big ice-cream, nothing suspicious, it's just a child. During this past month I've been in contact with someone who uses their WF account for something WF doesn't allow and he's had no trouble so far, maybe because he's Chinese. I need a costume made of Chinesium too.