Worldcore banking alternative with debit cards.. Please Read!

Hello everybody, I need your help. Thank you in advance! I'm trying to load my MC using my Worldcore wallet but I'm completely blocked! Worldcore doesn't give you the possibility to withdraw money to you card and even a bank transfer is not possible. How to solve this? What is really amazing is that they send you false OTP to confirm the transactions... Thank you again for your help!
Crypto-currency windup of the Russian swindler Pavel Krymov Worldcore deceives its investors! The clauses of the road map are not met: 1. Expansion of the marketing budget, sales volume and marketing team to triplicate the growth rate (4th quarter of 2017). 2. Membership in VISA, Mastercard, China Unionpay, SWIFT, SEPA (1st quarter of 2018). 3. Launching of branded and co-branded debit cards for businesses (1st quarter of 2018). Look out! Worldcore is a fraudulent project for collecting money. Do not take token WRC!
Reactions: lostman and negon
Thanks for the information, very useful
That's interesting reading. nice share
Don't trust that kind of message. You find plenty in the bitcointalk forum. They are scammer who try to get money from worldcore before their start their ICO, they receive negative response from them so they make bad buzz operation.

You can find all the member who work for Worldcore on Linkedin, if you are smart enough, you can have their personal address and facebook. I know professionnal scammer and usually you cannot find who he is like this.

Worldcore have some issue since January about the bank details that's all.
Reactions: lostman
I just received this from Worldcore: We were forced to ask our regulator - the Czech National Bank to help us in this regard. Due to their policy, they have 30 days for the reply. For now, there is about one week left, so we expect them to help us.
We are really sorry for any inconveniences and the delay and thank you for understanding.