Withdrawal from kraken to bank not received as usual!

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reading the entire thread would tell you hat OP got his money back already
I am pretty sure @JackAlabama was making a general statement about these kind of situations. And, it is correct - I usually get 3-4 payments per day from various processors and it is so much random fluctuation in things with no explanation. They usually settle later in day or next without any explanation - when the other wire sent by same processor settled instantly.
yeah, same here, you can't predict it all the time. I know as long as amounts are under 1000€ in my case, they always come 5 - 10 minutes after, exceeding this the delays comes from time to time, I have no clue why.

Quick question. If I setup a business account at Kraken is it possible to receive deposits f.e. from IBKR on this account? Any idea?
if it is crypto you receive on your kraken account it is not a problem, I don't know if you can transfer FIAT to kraken via IBKR !
Quick question. If I setup a business account at Kraken is it possible to receive deposits f.e. from IBKR on this account? Any idea?
Normally they want 1st-party transfers but you can request for them to accept a transfer from your own account that will process payments via pooled transfers (like IBKR) through the livechat. If you prove the ownership of that account and the funds there, and have the confirmation from Kraken beforehand, should not be an issue.
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It could be that there were a lot of transactions at the time you made yours, or there might have been a technical issue when you made it. These things can happen, and they do happen often—this time, it just happened to affect you.

I’ve experienced it a few times myself, and it just causes a bit of a delay. Afterward, everything runs smoothly without any issues.
yeah usually end of month is very busy as salary payments get processed. This is especially pronounced after longer holidays e.g. Easter holiday or whatnot and should these happen to fall into this end-of-month-salary-payout period.
do you still experience this problem or only back the time you posted the thread ?
only when I posted, no delays ever since that are worth to talk about. I may have opened the thread to quick.
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