Question Wise and payments

If you have all your documentation and everything in place and also provide it to Wise, they most often don't make any troubles, that again requires that you have a straight forward business activity which does not rise any flags.

I know some people around here are loaded with million of dollars and they strive to use Wise to transfer money, most often they are the one that get hit by the BAN hammer at Wise for unknown reasons to us. I'm sure they are well aware of why.
I have been using Wise since 2014. I have had personal, and business accounts with Wise since they started offering borderless accounts. When Wise opened the UAE office, I was asked for a picture of my UAE ID, I was stupid enough to do so. To make the long story short, Wise seized services to UAE residents, and I had to pull some tricks not to have my accounts closed. I also noticed every time I sent money to or from a UAE bank account, their compliance wakes up and gets all jumpy, asking for proof of income source.
I have both personal and business accounts with Wise and have had very few problems even with 6 figure payments and even one seven-figure payment in GBPs to many different countries. Some very reasonable questions especially on the larger payments with a day or two delay - occasionally a few days but never more than a week. I have never found them unreasonable. I must emphasise my business is 100% legitimate and I can always provide an invoice and/or genuine business reason for transfers (no crypto). I guess any problems must be related to your business model or other "red flags"
I have both personal and business accounts with Wise and have had very few problems even with 6 figure payments and even one seven-figure payment in GBPs to many different countries.
second that, both accounts with them, no issues at all.
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